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Tried Just Two Passes Today

I've noticed that when I get nicks or weepers, it's usually on the third pass. By the time I hit my third pass I'm pretty cleanly shaven, and I'm just trying to put the finishing touches on my shave. I've been thinking that maybe that third pass just isn't necessary. I usually shave WTG, XTG ear to nose, and XTG nose to ear on the cheeks, ear to nose again everywhere else since I can't go the other direction without tearing up my face and neck.

Today I went WTG, XTG ear to nose adding a quick nose to ear swipe at the corners of my mouth only, and I've got to say the shave is really smooth. I'm going to keep this up all week and see how it goes.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I'm going to try this today. when ever i draw blood it's always on my 3rd pass too, which is ATG.

I always get a few little weepers under my chin on my neck. dern double chin!
Ive saved time by just going ear to nose, and down on neck for first pass, then going nose to ear and up on neck for the second pass. This gets me my clean look needed for the uniform job.
This is the way I've been shaving for many months. I found the third pass was more trouble for my face than it was worth. I get fantastic shaves every day with this method. Try it, I know you'll like it.:thumbup:
I'll alternate three pass shaves and two pass shaves. I'll wind up doing more damage than I like if I go with three pass shaves for many days in a row. If I do a two pass shave for one day, it makes the next day's three pass much better.
I only do three pass shaves on weekends or maybe the odd slow paced morning but otherwise I don't have time for more than two. Two passes always seems to get me where I need to be
I'll alternate three pass shaves and two pass shaves. I'll wind up doing more damage than I like if I go with three pass shaves for many days in a row. If I do a two pass shave for one day, it makes the next day's three pass much better.

+1. I do two passes then pause to judge how my face feels. If it's feeling good, then a nice light third pass. If my face feels a bit rough after two passes, I stop there. I thought this video was useful:

I do WTG, and 2 XTG passes. I long gave up on ATG. Sometimes if I'm in a hurry, I will only do 2 passes (WTG and XTG). I don't really notice much difference cutting out the third pass, except when I feel my face the next morning, but then I'm shaving again, so it doesn't matter.
That's what I've been doing.
WTG, ATG, and then taking care of spot areas that I missed. Gets me a BBS shave everytime.

When I was doing XTG, it was giving me ingrowns, so I stopped that.
Two passes (WTG and XTG) is my norm as well. Three passes might get me a slightly smoother shave on my neck, but the irritation that occurs on about 70% of my three pass shaves isn't really worth the slim benefit.
I usually do two passes like many here. First is always WTG and second has lately been XTG. I keep noticing more nicks and cuts when I decide to do a ATG pass on my neck.

Can anyone possibly explain why the neck area is so susceptible to more damage versus the face?
I only wish my facial hair/ skin combo would let me get by with 2 passes. 3.5 minimum for me. I'm just jealous.
...Can anyone possibly explain why the neck area is so susceptible to more damage versus the face?

I can see a few possible reasons:

1) Neck skin is generally thinner than the skin on your face, which makes nicks and weepers more likely.

2) Necks are very curvey, and a blade is straight. That means that unless you skin-stretch to make it flat, whatever pressure you're putting on the blade is concentrated in a smaller area and not distributed throughtout the entire blade. More pressure = more irritation and cuts.

3) Most guys neck whiskers have a much more complex grain pattern than their faces, which makes it much harder to shave WTG/XTG/ATG.

4) Due to the logistics, it's harder to maintain proper blade angle while shaving your neck. Poor blade angle = more nicks and irritation.
A two pass (WTG,ATG) is the norman for me everyday. I get a great shave with no nicks and my face feels smooth to the SWMBO. What more can I ask for. :001_smile
My beard grows pretty much sideways from my jawline downwards, so one pass downwards and a second pass upwards gives me WTG and ATG on my face, XTG and GTX on my neck , and a very comfortable shave all round.
A two pass (WTG,ATG) is the norman for me everyday. I get a great shave with no nicks and my face feels smooth to the SWMBO. What more can I ask for. :001_smile

+1 I've always only done 2 passes (WTG, XTG/ATG). Recently, there was a video on one of the threads by a barber (can't remember his name) in NE England who recommended that you should only do 2 passes,pointing out that shaving is moving sharp steel across your face and you should try to keep the skin damage to a minimum. He seemed to make a lot of sense.
This is pretty much how I do it every time. I can only go ATG on my cheeks so I end up doing about 2.5 passes every shave.
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