I've noticed that when I get nicks or weepers, it's usually on the third pass. By the time I hit my third pass I'm pretty cleanly shaven, and I'm just trying to put the finishing touches on my shave. I've been thinking that maybe that third pass just isn't necessary. I usually shave WTG, XTG ear to nose, and XTG nose to ear on the cheeks, ear to nose again everywhere else since I can't go the other direction without tearing up my face and neck.
Today I went WTG, XTG ear to nose adding a quick nose to ear swipe at the corners of my mouth only, and I've got to say the shave is really smooth. I'm going to keep this up all week and see how it goes.
Today I went WTG, XTG ear to nose adding a quick nose to ear swipe at the corners of my mouth only, and I've got to say the shave is really smooth. I'm going to keep this up all week and see how it goes.