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Treat it like new, or clean it like used?

My BBB (favorite brush, it's awesome and was a bargain) has taken on a really funky, BO sort of smell. I'll guess the cause is some recent travel, and using it but not getting it completely dry before putting it away (though I could be wrong).

I want to remove the odor, and I've read the stickies on cleaning/breaking in a new brush, and on cleaning a used brush (soap build up). Thing is, the brush performs great, and doesn't need a break in. But it also doesn't show any visible signs of soap build up. So which method would be correct for simply getting rid of the smell? Looking forward to getting it back to where it was, as it's my favorite (and the only other brush I brought this trip is a backup boar brush, couldn't find my travel badger brushes in time as I had to pack in a hurry again). For now, it will be sitting out in a rack in my hotel room, so it shouldn't get abused (put away slightly wet) again for some time. TIA for any help!

FWIW, I recently switched to the C.E. Bigelow branded Proraso, if that may have any effect.


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My Simpson Case/Tube smells like this sometimes after a week of camping. I usually let it dry between uses, but on the last day it sometimes gets put away damp (not wet). If I forget about it, a week or 2 later and it's got some "funk" to it.

A quick Dawn hand lather, dry and it's good to go.
I was getting a bit of a stink after using Tabula Rasa shave cream for a couple days. Just a quick wash with a bit of shampoo seemed to cut down the smell a great deal.
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