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Travelling with a Sensor Excel

We just got back from a two week trip to Alaska. Following suggestions I left my DE razors home and brought my old Gillette Sensor along. I would say this; on a moving cruise (small) ship the twin blades worked beautifully while shaving - and since my technique has improved over the years there was no issue with razor burn, it just made getting a clean face easier and faster.

Relegated to my wife for shaving her legs, I might use it more often. Now I shaved with my Mergress and IP Reds this morning for the first time since being back, and love a really smooth face; but you know what? That old retired Gillette did a pretty good job! :thumbup1:
I have been reading a few threads recently on the older cartridge systems and the Sensor would appear to be appreciated the most over the others, followed by the Trac II and then the Atra.
I have toyed with the notion of using a disposable gillette. I found a new stray one I had when I bought a pkg of 50 or so at a cost club. while I did some shaving research knowing that the modern gillette's were just to much for my wallet.
I have been reading a few threads recently on the older cartridge systems and the Sensor would appear to be appreciated the most over the others, followed by the Trac II and then the Atra.

Same reasoning for me,but I do carry a beat up DE with me so if I run into DE blades overseas,I can "test" a pack to see if they are real or fakes from China.
I am using a DE on the trip I am about to take but only because my wife is checking a bag with her makeup. Otherwise I would be traveling with a Sensor Excel. Used it on my last trip and it provided a comfortable and close shave. I think my experience with DE though helped, as did using the right prep and post shave.
I liked the sensor as a cartridge razor since CVS carried house brand blades on the cheap. I kept a box and a can of Barbasol as backup for those quick shaves until i got a bump fighter handle and trac ii blades. Hands down the trac ii has to be my favorite cart (and I've used practically all of them).
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While on vacation to Alaska, I met a 70 year old barber, who was still working. I asked him if he gave shaves with a straight razor or a shavette. He replied, "a straight razor.." When I asked him what his every day razor was He stated that it was a Gillette Sensor.
Hmm - SWMBO and I are going on a cruise next month. So Joe_Karp would you recommend that over your DE - I have been planning on taking mine along for the trip. I didn't think the ship movement would cause any issues - I mean I did 3 westpac cruises in the Navy ....
I've been using a Sensor Excel for probably 20 years. It's now my go to for the mornings I don't feel like stropping the straight.
Interesting. I have to travel for worth by air and generally bring a Fusion. (which is what I used before switching to a DE). The fusion is fast, weeper free, and close enough (actually very close if I do a second pass) shave. (With all the expense, tugging, scratching, and hair pulls that come along with cartridges). Do the old school cartridges work better?
One of the reasons I got into all of this was because I found that a DE or single blade was better for my skin than a twin/three/quattro/whatever-bladed cartridge. So when I use a disposable, I like the single-bladed ones. I really like the Bic Metals, but there is something nice and industrial about those Bic Sensitives, i.e. the white and orange one. If its good enough for inmates, its good enough for me!
If you like the Sensor Excell, but think you could get a closer shave, try the plain Sensor. It lacks the lower lubrication strip, and for me, shaves much closer. It is both my travel and daily razor. At least once a week I shave with either a Fusion power or a Schick Hydro power, which provides the closest and nicest shave. For me, using a five blade power razor at least once a week provides a closer shave during the week with the two blade. The larger number system seems to set my face up for better shaves for a while, about a week.
While on vacation to Alaska, I met a 70 year old barber, who was still working. I asked him if he gave shaves with a straight razor or a shavette. He replied, "a straight razor.." When I asked him what his every day razor was He stated that it was a Gillette Sensor.

70 y/o was only 1943... he was old enough for 'Nam, but not WWII or Korea. DE was firmly entrenched.
Heck, my dad is 90 and has never used a straight.

Last "old time" barber I saw using a straight was Tony Orozco when I got my last haircut there when I was probably 12. He had to have been in his 50s. Shop was decorated with autographed pictures of boxers and drag racers long forgotten (never remembered?), and Playboy models who were risque posing in what would later be called "Hot Pants" and a bikini top.

Funny thing though... "Hair stylists" in my neighborhood did okay, but I remember 3 barber shops that were firebombed in the late 60s and early 70s.

I wonder what ever became of old Tony.
Gillette Sensor Classic razor (not Excel) is ready to bite the dust . . . not able to find the razor anywhere are there compatible handles to be found at a reasonable price?
Gillette Sensor Classic razor (not Excel) is ready to bite the dust . . . not able to find the razor anywhere are there compatible handles to be found at a reasonable price?

Welcome to B&B!

You might get more answers if you start a new thread. But according to http://www.drugstore.com/gillette-sensor-excel-razor-for-men/qxp16380?catid=183778 "All Sensor razors fit all Sensor cartridges." I am pretty sure I have used a sensor excel handle with two-blade sensor cartridges myself. I would double-check for you, but mine is a few hundred miles away right now.
While on vacation to Alaska, I met a 70 year old barber, who was still working. I asked him if he gave shaves with a straight razor or a shavette. He replied, "a straight razor.." When I asked him what his every day razor was He stated that it was a Gillette Sensor.

I'll be honest, that's actually kinda funny. I would hope at 70 he can still keep a good hand with that straight!
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