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Tosuke Terror

Maybe tomorrow I will get up the nerve to try out my new Tosuke. Maybe. I'll report back...

If I die, tell Ambrose I said thank you, and please bury me with tchewy's W&B.

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It's not as hard as it looks. Just some funky angles because you can only really shave with one side of the blade.

Good luck!!
Please let us know how it goes (if you survive...)
I'd love to hear more real-life experiences re: these Japanese ninja blades
LOL, I very recently went through Tosuke and Kanetage terror:scared:.

So far they have made shaving with any western blade seem ridiculously easy.
So, I just finished my first Tosuke shave. My set up was as follows:

Hot water splash
Mama Bear's Ylang-Ylang soap in my green DB 1.5
Witch Hazel splash after, allowed to dry while stropping
Pre de Provence ASB
Kohachiro Miyata on the iPod

It started something like this:


I went slow and took my time. I wasn't really afraid of the blade, but I was a bit apprehensive.

I really like the dual spike points and the ability to get anywhere I want with this razor. I wear a pretty long mustache and a thin-ish soul patch, and it was nice to maneuver around these areas with no trouble whatsoever. There have been several posts about which side of the razor to use, but I used both equally. I am a strictly one handed (lefty) straight shaver and I LOVED the ability to see clearly at all times where my hand was and what the blade was doing.

It was not a BBS shave by any means, but I would not expect that on my first J-Straight shave. I did two passes, both WTG, and a final clean up with the Fatboy on a 9 ATG. NOW it's BBS. No weepers on the passes with the Tosuke, a couple from the Fatty. I sliced off an ingrown hair bump that's been there for a couple of days.

Overall, it was a great experience and one that I will be looking forward to regularly. This will shortly become my go to razor, I feel.

Thanks to Ambrose for hooking me up with such a nice razor, pre-honed and ready for action, and thanks to all my other B&B friends for indulging this madness!
Great post! Interested to hear that you used both sides equally. Thinking about taking the Japanese straight plunge soon.

Keep us updated on your progress!
Great post! Interested to hear that you used both sides equally. Thinking about taking the Japanese straight plunge soon.

Keep us updated on your progress!

I think using both sides is definitely the way to go with this razor. You get a really clear view of what you're doing, and your margin of error seems greater.

Really pleased with this one.
Maybe tomorrow I will get up the nerve to try out my new Tosuke. Maybe. I'll report back...

If I die, tell Ambrose I said thank you, and please bury me with tchewy's W&B.


I just saw this thread and you got me laughing there. I love my W&B so I'm glad you survived and I did not have to lay it on your coffin. Good luck with that killer Tosuke amigo!
Agreed. I can't fathom only using one side.

Why not?

That's the way they are designed to be used.

Would you go out and buy an expensive set of screwdrivers and use them to plane wood or or punch holes in metal? Afterall you could and they would work even though they are not designed to be used that way.

My point here is if you are going to use something you should learn to use it properly. What if someone who used a Japanese Straight all his life got a western straight and only used one side because he was used to using just one side of a razor?. We here would probably laugh at that.

Of course it's your razor and you use it any way you want but it's just something to consider.
Japanese razors cut only on one side ???

Most razors have a cutting edge right ? So are we saying that if we turned the blade around , still using the SAME cutting edge , that the edge will no longer cut ?

An edge is an edge is an edge . No matter how you twist , rotate , elevate or manipulate it .

Where did the info that Japanese style razors only cut on one side come from ? False info for sure .

Are these Japanese Tosukes the next "big thing?" They sure are cool and have a lot of mystique to them.

Do you know if there's a resurgence of Tosuke use in Japan, as straight razor use has experienced here?

Why not?

That's the way they are designed to be used.

Would you go out and buy an expensive set of screwdrivers and use them to plane wood or or punch holes in metal? Afterall you could and they would work even though they are not designed to be used that way.

My point here is if you are going to use something you should learn to use it properly. What if someone who used a Japanese Straight all his life got a western straight and only used one side because he was used to using just one side of a razor?. We here would probably laugh at that.

Of course it's your razor and you use it any way you want but it's just something to consider.

The problem with your analogy is that punching holes or planing with a screwdriver would damage it. My using both sides of the Tosuke won't damage it in any way.

I also use a right handed Yanagi with my left hand and the Earth hasn't shifted it's axis yet. :lol:

There was a really detailed thread about the Tosuke a while back, and Joel as well as several other posters indicated that MANY folks use both sides of the blade.

To each his own, I suppose.
I used my kamisoris on one side only, using one hand.
Had to contort into strange body/head/arms positions order to get some sort of shaving angle.
They are very very sharp, but for some reason, hard to get cut with. It's easier to cut yourself with western blades.
I put them away for now. I'll come back to them in a couple of months.
Ironic, when I started using straight razors I was uneasy using both hands. Many years later I would be very hesitant to try using just one. :w00t:
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