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Top ten - what's yours ?

What is the general consensus for the top ten DE blades ?
What about top ten blades that are still in production ?
Top 10 seems like too many. Can one really have 10 top blades? Top 3 or 5 may be more practical. My top 5 in no particular order are:

PolSilver SI
Gillette yellow
Derby (Yes, Derby. They give a decent shave and are inexpensive).
Gotta go advanced for the list. This is my current ranking.... even though I have somewhat limited experience with a couple of these blades:

  1. Polsilver Super Iridiums
  2. Gillette Silver Blues
  3. Feathers (in the right razor)
  4. Gillette 7 O'Clock SP's (blue)
  5. Astra SP's
  6. Gillette 7 O'Clock SP's (black)
  7. Personna Lab Blues
  8. Personna Red SP's
  9. Personna Blue (Crystals)
  10. Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (yellow)

I have a feeling that Personna Med Preps would easily knock the Gillette yellows, but I've never tried them. Really, give me a whole bunch of the top five and that's all I would need.

My top 5 would be:

Super Iridiums
Gillette Silver Blues
Perma-sharp Super
Gillette 7 O'Clock SP's (blue)
Astra SP's
of the blades I've tried (in no particular order):
Derby Extra
Gillette 7 O'c yellow
Gillette 7 O'c green
Astra SP
Gillette silver blue
Here are the 7 blades that I either use currently or would go back to:

Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp ("India Greens")
Russian Perma-Sharp
Personna Med Preps/Lab
Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge ("Yellows")
Treet Dura Sharp
Interesting trends :)
Thanks folks for posting.
What about discontinued blades ?
How do they rate against these ?
Here's ten blades I've tried, from best to worst. Even the worst blade on the list, I still managed to get okay shaves from:

1. Polsilver SI
2. Gillette Silver Blue
3. 7 O'Clock Blues or Blacks (tie)
4. Astra SP
5. Red IP's
6. Lord Platinums
7. Shark Super Chromes
8. 7 O'Clock Yellow
9. Derby Extra
10. Merkur
I'm a noob so take this for what it's worth

1. Astra SP
2. Shark super chrome
3. Feather
4. Merkur

Not in that order but this is what has worked well for me either in my DE or my shavette
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