Gotta go advanced for the list. This is my current ranking.... even though I have somewhat limited experience with a couple of these blades:
Polsilver Super Iridiums
Gillette Silver Blues
Feathers (in the right razor)
Gillette 7 O'Clock SP's (blue)
Astra SP's
Gillette 7 O'Clock SP's (black)
Personna Lab Blues
Personna Red SP's
Personna Blue (Crystals)
Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (yellow)
I have a feeling that Personna Med Preps would easily knock the Gillette yellows, but I've never tried them. Really, give me a whole bunch of the top five and that's all I would need.
Here's ten blades I've tried, from best to worst. Even the worst blade on the list, I still managed to get okay shaves from:
1. Polsilver SI
2. Gillette Silver Blue
3. 7 O'Clock Blues or Blacks (tie)
4. Astra SP
5. Red IP's
6. Lord Platinums
7. Shark Super Chromes
8. 7 O'Clock Yellow
9. Derby Extra
10. Merkur