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Top 3 Aftershaves!?

What would be the Top 3 Aftershaves to try before you die. Im talkin best stuff ever, smell, efficacy or overall. The must try stuff your glad to have used.
Ogalalla Bay Rum

I really really want to try Aqua Velva and Floid sometime in the future :)
Classic Pitralon
[Osage Rub]

I haven't yet tried Pen's English Fern or Blenheim Bouquet AS... so I leave the third slot "open."

O'Rub is just... O'Rub.

Antique Hoosier

Top 3 that I have not experienced yet but would like to...

Knize Ten
Vintage Old Spice Lime
and of course mmmmmm... MANDOM


"Proper Bob"
Proraso splash
Speick spash
DR Harris Arlington splash
Floid Blue splash (4, I know but I had to include it.)
Proraso Splash - just a little burn, followed by a refreshing menthol effect, leaving a soothed matte finish. Scent-wise, I think it's what Aqua Velva would have been if it had been invented by Italian barbers - mid, classy, European. A great all-around AS.

Ogallala Bay Rum - Their description sums it up: "Ogallala was the destination of countless cowboys driving cattle north from Texas to the railhead. It's a sure bet that as the boys hit town one of their first stops was a barbershop for a bath, shave and a haircut. After being splashed (quite generously) with the barber's own special mix of Bay Rum, he was ready to hit the saloon and talk to the young ladies who were anxious to sell him drinks...we'll leave it at that. The decades have taken their toll on dance hall girls and that great old fragrance - Bay Rum. While we can't do much about the dance hall girls...(nobody's wives will let them) we can bring back that great old fashioned fragrance - Bay Rum! Genuine Ogallala Bay Rum is simply the best you'll find!" With witch Hazel as the main ingredient, it leaves my face feeling great, and the scent is outstanding.

Old Spice - What can I say? Burns like hell, but boy that classic scent! I use the Classic version in the plastic bottle by P&G and love it. The formula may have changed at some point from the old Shulton, but it's readily available and cheap, and still has an old school yet timeless scent.

If I could add a fourth, it would be Proraso Liquid Cream After Shave. It is a creamy, healing lotion with a clean, very subtle scent that allows you to use any cologne you wish. I always use this if my face gets dry or I have an unusually rough shave.
Because aftershave is just that, the stuff you use after you shave, I based my list on efficacy as a post shave treatment. I use EdP, EdT, EdC to change the scent of me :biggrin1: That being said, I can't believe there are better healing aftershaves than...

1) Swiss Pitralon
2) Classic Pitralon
3) Speick

I've tried most of what's out there and for my skin these work the best. I love these threads, and it's because of threads like this that I have even been exposed to most of the products that work best for me. This is one expensive trial and error of a hobby :wink2:
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