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Too many rabbit holes?


ancient grey sweatophile
This site is so full of rabbit holes you can't walk across it without twisting your ankle. They include the numerous shaving rabbit holes but also watches, shoes, pens, pipes, tobaccos, booze, and so on. Personally I have been down pretty much all of those rabbit holes plus fly fishing, stereo, Italian racing bikes, golf and golf clubs, cooking, cookware collecting, wine, gardening, photography, and on and on. Mercifully as I grow older I have become more minimalist, but I am just too easily sucked in, and pretty much everything seems fun. How about you?


I shaved a fortune
Shaving and photography are perhaps the only rabbit holes that appeal to me now. That doesn't mean I don't explore new things, but they don't hold the same attraction as I age, I guess. I recently switched up how we make our coffee.. but a simple change to a French Press seems to have done the trick. <eg>


ancient grey sweatophile
Shaving and photography are perhaps the only rabbit holes that appeal to me now. That doesn't mean I don't explore new things, but they don't hold the same attraction as I age, I guess. I recently switched up how we make our coffee.. but a simple change to a French Press seems to have done the trick. <eg>
I find as I age, I keep a foot planted in a rabbit hole but stop and enjoy just one...one razor, one putter, one pen, one dress watch and one casual watch, one fly rod, and so on. Indulging in the things I enjoy seems to be more and more of a challenge despite the spare time brought by retirement.
I fell in the old razor rabbit hole. I collected up probably 40-50 and tried several different ones. I settled on one model and one blade and have used them exclusively for 5+ years. I have a drawer full of razors, brushes, ect. I am to the point, I don't even buy them anymore, even if they are a "good deal".
I don’t have a good answer…I’m trying to calculate the number of awesome razors I can buy for one Italian Racing Bike.

Once I get the math worked out, I’m going shopping, and then to break the great news to my wife…I’m not addicted to Italian Racing Bikes.

Fingers crossed this works!
I'm planning to upgrade my photography equipment to mirrorless..... it isn't cheap
But it is amazing stuff :)
been a full time pro 20+ yrs and went early into Mirrorless
and yeah expensive big time the glass is also gotten so good these days :) so that needs updating

but kinda decided this was my last year so getting out of it (another story)
for grins last 5 years or so just doing my passion of pets/animals mostly
but main income was commercial and commercial advertising with my time in the islands doing weddings also since Maui is so huge on weddings
still might continue to do pets but might try to do some coffee table books on unique pets with the style I shoot them and go that route and NOT having clients just do my own thing and do something else for income


System Generated
But it is amazing stuff :)
been a full time pro 20+ yrs and went early into Mirrorless
and yeah expensive big time the glass is also gotten so good these days :) so that needs updating

but kinda decided this was my last year so getting out of it (another story)
for grins last 5 years or so just doing my passion of pets/animals mostly
but main income was commercial and commercial advertising with my time in the islands doing weddings also since Maui is so huge on weddings
still might continue to do pets but might try to do some coffee table books on unique pets with the style I shoot them and go that route and NOT having clients just do my own thing and do something else for income
Top notch photos. Love the dogs!
This site is so full of rabbit holes you can't walk across it without twisting your ankle. They include the numerous shaving rabbit holes but also watches, shoes, pens, pipes, tobaccos, booze, and so on. Personally I have been down pretty much all of those rabbit holes plus fly fishing, stereo, Italian racing bikes, golf and golf clubs, cooking, cookware collecting, wine, gardening, photography, and on and on. Mercifully as I grow older I have become more minimalist, but I am just too easily sucked in, and pretty much everything seems fun. How about you?
It's a dichotomy.
On the one hand, I'm more minimalist. I don't need as much "stuff" as I used to think I did. I'm thinking of selling some things, just to clear space and maybe my conscience a little.
But, on the other hand, I find myself starting little collections of things for the sheer enjoyment of it (firearms, guitars, razors, blades) even though technically I don't need all the overlap.
I suppose if someone were to ask me why I have so many razors/guns/guitars/whatever, I'd just shrug my shoulders, smile and say, "Because I can."


I shaved a fortune
But it is amazing stuff :)
been a full time pro 20+ yrs and went early into Mirrorless
and yeah expensive big time the glass is also gotten so good these days :) so that needs updating

but kinda decided this was my last year so getting out of it (another story)
for grins last 5 years or so just doing my passion of pets/animals mostly
but main income was commercial and commercial advertising with my time in the islands doing weddings also since Maui is so huge on weddings
still might continue to do pets but might try to do some coffee table books on unique pets with the style I shoot them and go that route and NOT having clients just do my own thing and do something else for income
Those are some awesome photographs, Chad.... I'm only a limited skill hobbyist but I have a lot of fun. I mostly do the large wading birds here in Florida and the birds of prey when I can find them.
Those are some awesome photographs, Chad.... I'm only a limited skill hobbyist but I have a lot of fun. I mostly do the large wading birds here in Florida and the birds of prey when I can find them.
Thanks :)
but if ya have fun what counts
when its work as sure ya know it can take the fun out sometimes
and as I say photography is more about memories and triggering those memories and often the best ones are not technical good but bring back that memory big time and draws emotion :)
for me and the pets its trying to get that sleight expression or unique look in the eye and I love animals because you cant tell them hey look here move your head down ok chin out :) they just do what they do and sure like your birds (I shot underwater a lot) you have a limited angle and timing has to be spot on etc. so the moments are tough to get !
I went in head first after getting my vintage Tech. Given in to most urges early on, blades, brushes, soaps, and razors. Had a reality check (I call it Razor Rotation Anxiety) after razor #20, but still managed to push the envelop. However, you can only shave with one razor at a time, right? I do think I have covered the bases now so generally and slowly I am ditching razor holes and enjoying my gear - a lot.

Other rabbit holes have been plenty too, but I seem to be able to focus on only one at a time…oe…. Red ball!!


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Shaving and photography are perhaps the only rabbit holes that appeal to me now. That doesn't mean I don't explore new things, but they don't hold the same attraction as I age, I guess. I recently switched up how we make our coffee.. but a simple change to a French Press seems to have done the trick. <eg>
Interesting -- I switched to French press years ago, and stuck with it. I still have my drip filter cones, can't throw them out.

I grind my frozen coffee beans in a hand burr grinder -- new in the past 3-4 years, or so. I'm slowing down, too, as I age.

. Charles
Watches, pens, vintage hand tools, dress shoes, white shirts, collar pins, lighters, audio, power tools, razors + sharpening stones. And now I would like to get back to archery, but I am trying to hold back only because I know I would have to dump a few thousands to buy new gear.

However, you can only shave with one razor at a time, right?
Technically, we have two hands, two cheeks and a DE van be used with one hand. So, in theory, one could shave with two razors at the same time. Maybe it’s time for a “Speedy DE challenge” to somehow justify all these DE razors? :biggrin1:
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