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"too hot for me" extract hotsauce pif

Hi Gents,

I don't come over here often, but ya'll have influenced my recent acquisition of a Henkel's knife kit and conversion of my gasser to a smoker. Cheers!

I've got a couple of Dave's Insanity hot sauces that are extract-based sauces that do not agree with me. I can't get past the extract taste and heat.

I much prefer the natural chili heat of Cajohns and others.

If there are any US chiliheads with iron guts who like this stuff, I've got two nearly-full, open bottles for PIF. If you would be so kind, just post here your three favorite recommended non-extract hot sauces and I'll pick someone at random.


Steve, I could not agree with you more. They are no longer food and are chemicals.

Melinda's for me.
MMMMMM daves!

The Insanity is pretty hot, but the Ultimate is even hotter. I have a bottle of chipotle right now, which is very tasty.

I've also got a bottle of Blairs right now, I think its the jalapeno, I can't remember. I haven't tried that one yet, but Blairs makes the hottest products on the market. They actually sell pure capsicum. something along the lines of 16 millions scoville units. :scared::001_tt1:
It depends what kind of pepper you like. For just plain use I always have Sriracha, a Louisiana type sauce like Franks and a Habanero sauce like the one from Tabasco. I also have about 5 to 10 other sauces at any given time. So I would recommend a sauce from each of the peppers that are mostly used, Thai,Jalapeno,Cayenne, and Habanero. As suggested Melindas, El Yucateco make a few different sauces from different peppers.

As for specific sauces right now I am in kind of a sweet kick so I am enjoying Illinois Road Kill, Original Juan PAIN 95 percent Hot Sauce, and Bayou Love Potion Number 9.

By the way great PIF, and thanks for the chance!
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Most hot sauces are vinegar based. The vinegar helps intensify the heat and also makes the heat linger in your mouth. Look for something tomato based if you don't like that.

For me, the heat that I get from either Franks or Glory Foods Hot Sauce is enough for me. I want to taste the food, not punish it!
I did not care for the taste of the Insanity sauce. I ended up using it cooking to add heat. When I ran out I bought pure capsacin crystals to use for spicing things up...
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