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Too bad we all didn't have time machines.

Just imaging, going back to the 1940's, 1950's and 1960's and be able to walk into any supermarket, small grocery store, corner pharmacy and department stores and be able to buy any Gillette razor that was produced in those decades. The razors would be new, cased or on a blister card, no need to replate or worry about cleaning the razors or worry if they were dropped during shaving. All the razors would be brand spanking new and you could buy as many as you wanted too! No more spending time trying to track them down in antique stores and hoping they are in good condition. You would be surrounded with razors available anywhere in any town or city. Just imagine going to 1960 and buying a hundred Fatboys or buying a hundred slims in 1966, etc...And the best part is the razors sold for about $1.50. So, buying a hundred Fatboys for $150 would be a good buy. Just remember to buy the razors with old money made during that time. That would be a blast. I would be buying tons of razors.
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I'm reminded of that quote from Indiana Jones:

Look at this. [holds up a silver pocket watch] It's worthless. Ten dollars from a vendor in the street. But I take it, I bury it in the sand for a thousand years, it becomes priceless! Like the Ark. Men will kill for it; men like you and me.

So anyone who comes between me and that Tan Tipped Super Speed, watch out!
I think the collecting and studying the razors is half the fun. If I could just walk to the grocery store and buy any model I'd like I would buy one or maybe two and just use them to shave. I doubt there'd be very many people on a forum discussing the ins and outs of 40's style SS's vs. slim adjustables. Do you think the forums debating Gillette Fusion vs. Mach 3 razors are very busy?
Of course if we had time machines so would P&G and all you'd find in the shops would be bakelite Fusions :)
Buy stock, war bonds, baseball cards, and comic books. Then come back and buy whatever vintage gillette you think would best compliment the bevy of swedish bikini models you could hire to shave FOR you. :thumbup:
If we all could go back in time to buy tons of Gillettes they would still be in production because of the demand. So there would be no need to buy vintage or time-traveling to buy razors. Nobody would care and B&B or other forums wouldn't excist; my guess is that P&G would still take over the world with multiblades. :001_unsur
Me too my friend, me too.

All the more poignant because I was walking into stores when they were selling some of these fantatstic razors, I just didn't know at the time that they would have any value in the future.

:crying: :cryin: :sad:

And how many other things the same way! Got and kept a few "goodies" from the old days, but not nearly enough!
Me too my friend, me too.

All the more poignant because I was walking into stores when they were selling some of these fantatstic razors, I just didn't know at the time that they would have any value in the future.

:crying: :cryin: :sad:

I was a 6 year old boy in '59 but I remember a Toggle display that twinkled under the lights.
You should be thankful for what's produced today. Someone in 2060 reading this thread might curse us for overlooking the DE89L or Futur or whatever seems common to us.
You should be thankful for what's produced today. Someone in 2060 reading this thread might curse us for overlooking the DE89L or Futur or whatever seems common to us.

Valid point! When we don't buy today's stuff, all will be really gone at some point in the near future.
Just imagine going to 1960 and buying a hundred Fatboys or buying a hundred slims in 1966, etc...And the best part is the razors sold for about $1.50. So, buying a hundred Fatboys for $150 would be a good buy. Just remember to buy the razors with old money made during that time.
The only problem with that is the average monthly wage was around $300. Considering the avg today, a $30-40 Fatboy is still a good buy.

Where would you get the old money from? You can't earn it because you don't exist in 1960. You can't steal it because the money has already been spent somewhere else, long before you stole it, and the knock on chain of events ripples throughout time. You can't take today's money for the same reason, plus it's essentially counterfeit.

It's the impossible paradox of time travel; it brings out about a FUBAR of incomprehensible proportions. That's why it works in fiction; they just ignore it.

I've given this way more thought than it deserves. I know damn well I'd get the lottery numbers.:lol:
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Actually, if it would be so easy to acquire nos razors it would take out most of the fun of digging them out of dusty antique shops...for me the thrill is in the hunt.

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