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Tom's fo Maine Apricot toothpaste

This isn't a review, I just wanted to say this stuff is horrible. Tastes like paste. Leaves my mouth feeling gunky and funky.

Okay, I feel better now.
Is it just the Apricot you figure? or the brand in general in your opinion?

My favorite toothpaste is Tom's of Maine Peppermint toothpaste. Super refreshing I find. I want to try the fennel flavour next.
Just the apricot. Of course, I've no clue what the hell a fennel is, so I can't say about that either. :)

But yeah, it's not good to me at all. I have a cinnamon back home and when I get there, this junk will come out of my shave bag and into the trash, replaced by either the cinnamon or mint flavor.
Just the apricot. Of course, I've no clue what the hell a fennel is, so I can't say about that either. :)

But yeah, it's not good to me at all. I have a cinnamon back home and when I get there, this junk will come out of my shave bag and into the trash, replaced by either the cinnamon or mint flavor.

I read a post that compared the taste of Tom's of Maine Fennel toothpaste to that of Mike & Ike candy

This is fennel, I must say that candy is the last taste to enter my mind looking at it.
I like the apricot deodorant it smells good and works with Tabac cologne surprisingly well. Never tried the paste.
Right now my favorite toothpaste is Tom's of Maine Peppermint toothpaste. I'll make sure I stay away from the apricot one. :c9:
I've used the fennel and liked it... I currently use Tom's Cinnamon toothpaste which I got at Big Lots for $2 (I guess it wasn't popular). For my wife, a toothpaste must be a mint - but for me I like the variety. I'd give the apricot a try for sure.
I threw out half a tube of the apricot - did not like it at all. I love several others though - cinnamon-clove, fennel, peppermint, gingermint. Tom's seems to try alot of different stuff and scrap the stuff nobody likes. For the most part I really like there products.
And here I thought I was the only person to ever hear of Tom's of Maine let alone actually use it.

I use the Natural Anti-Plaque Tarter Control Plus Whitening w/o fluoride toothpaste. I really like it and it seems stronger than any other toothpaste I've ever used.

I didn't know about a cinnamon flavored one. Hmmm.:w00t: May have to try it!
I was at a local Indian grocery store looking for an Alum block and they had some Colgate Herbal toothpaste that has eucalyptus, myrrh, sage, and chamomile in it. I didn't buy it.
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