Fellow Carnivores:
I've always wanted to share one of these w/family or friends (and I know somewhere close were I can sang hefty one)!
I'd usually would heavily seasoned a steak of this size with just salt and pepper before it gets cooked on a low & 'open-lid' BBQ fire, just enough to brown (sear) the skin beautifully while keeping the meat inside deliciously pink (whilst cooking...I every now & then...might just 'throw' a little more salt on the steak).
This little 'tid-bit' is all about the "Gourmet: Good Life Guide" in the recent Sept/Oct edition of
Tomahawk Steak!
"Beef goes by a lot of fancy names. Coulotte is sirloin from a cow’s thigh. Filet mignon is a small piece of tenderloin. Chateaubriand is its larger neighbor, butchered for two people. But "tomahawk" is the most straightforward moniker in the steak world. You’ll know it when you see it.
The chop comes not only bone-in, but bone protruding. An almost foot-long rib that connects to the two-inch thick slab of marbled meat makes it look like the battle-ax it is named for. Its massive size is also responsible for another label—
“cowboy steak
”—although Fred Flintstone could easily have lent his name to this plateful". 
Although this article stated..."The meat is tender but has a 'bit of fight to it'...not the easy chew like a filet mignon [though].
What sets it apart is the thickness; one tomahawk [can] easily feed two, perhaps three".
Works Cited: Cigaraficionado- Tomahawk Steak
"A [shave] and a [tomahawk] steak. Those are some of the high points of a [persons'] life". Curtis Siodmak

I'd usually would heavily seasoned a steak of this size with just salt and pepper before it gets cooked on a low & 'open-lid' BBQ fire, just enough to brown (sear) the skin beautifully while keeping the meat inside deliciously pink (whilst cooking...I every now & then...might just 'throw' a little more salt on the steak).

This little 'tid-bit' is all about the "Gourmet: Good Life Guide" in the recent Sept/Oct edition of

Tomahawk Steak!

The chop comes not only bone-in, but bone protruding. An almost foot-long rib that connects to the two-inch thick slab of marbled meat makes it look like the battle-ax it is named for. Its massive size is also responsible for another label—
“cowboy steak

Although this article stated..."The meat is tender but has a 'bit of fight to it'...not the easy chew like a filet mignon [though].

What sets it apart is the thickness; one tomahawk [can] easily feed two, perhaps three".

Works Cited: Cigaraficionado- Tomahawk Steak
"A [shave] and a [tomahawk] steak. Those are some of the high points of a [persons'] life". Curtis Siodmak
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