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Todays arrivals, Bob Farvour & Omega

SBAD? Naaa, not me :sleep:

Todays arrivals: Bob Farvor, Omega "Mighty Midget" 40033 and 10065.

Bob Farvour:
Knot is TGN Finest 24mm set at 46mm. The handle is nice an heavy and has a great feel in the hand. The marble look of the yellow true-stone is absolutely gorgeous.

Pics taken from here.

Defunking in progress....

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Great! I was wondering who took that black and honey jasper trustone brush. That brush was supposed to be for me but the handle had one imperfection I didn't like. It's supposed to replicate a simpson tulip and I think he did a great job. He made me another one that came out just perfect to me. Enjoy the brush, I'm glad it found a good home. :thumbup:

I'll post a pic or two of mine here later.
Thanks for sharing the love!

The slight imperfections are actually facing forward in the lather pic, can you spot them? They are pretty minute. They are almost nonexistent compared to the mold marks on the sides and bottom of the Omegas. I wonder what the Omega knots are like, the handles are, well, cheap in look and feel. That is phrasing it nicely.
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Thanks for sharing the love!

The slight imperfections are actually facing forward in the lather pic, can you spot them? They are pretty minute.

Actually, not on the top of brush. I can see on the bottom part, but it's still a great brush. His photos were taken really close so I could see them really well, which kind of bothered me. Anyway, I'm glad you picked the finest knot as that's also what I have. Enjoy it, m friend.
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@ Mick: What a beauty! :thumbup: I really like the heavy feel of the handle in my hand.

First shave today with the brush. O.M.G. the knot is awesome! It whipped up Calani Earl Grey in no time. The feeling on the face was really luxurious, IMHO on par with the big ones in the business (Simpsons, M&F...) Great backbone just a hint of scritch. The knot opens up nicely but doesn't splay all over the face.
You'll want to keep in mind that not all TruStone is as heavy as the honey Jasper and the black. It varies greatly. Honey Jasper is the heaviest I've seen thus far.

Best part of TruStone is the quality. There's never air bubbles or white spots that can be present in acrylic and other plastics. The bad side is the blanks are tiny.
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