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TOBS Avocado

Got a sample of this from Gary's Sample Shop and used it tonight for the first time. The scent is what I would call "interesting". Definitely a cool scent that would probably go better in the summer months. The lather I got from it was similar to the TOBS Sandlewood and Jermyn st. I've been using but it got kind of thin with my third pass, something the others don't do. I did like this cream but I think I'll save the rest of my sample till the summer and I think I'll like it a lot more.

TOBS Avocado smells of fresh cut grass and fresh cucumbers..........now if it only smelled of fresh cut grass it would be okay....:biggrin1:

Which is why I love the smell of it. Fresh cut grass and cucumbers is spot rather than avocado. However the performance of the cream is about as good as any shaving soap/cream that I use. It really is pretty darn good stuff.
I don't really mind the scent and I have not found anything that comes even close performance-wise for me. B/c of this, it is a regular in the rotation in my shave den
I don't think it outperforms others TOBS I have (lemon lime and sensitive skin). I won't buy again because of the scent. I'll be fine with other scents. Want to try rose, almond and coconut.
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