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TOBS Avocado face lathering conundrum

I am a face latherer. I have tried using TOBS Avocado several times. It always goes on very thick. So thick its pretty much useless. I don't get a close shave at all. I have used it with my face dripping wet and that doesn't seem to help. Has anyone else had this problem? Any solutions? Thanks.
I am a face latherer. I have tried using TOBS Avocado several times. It always goes on very thick. So thick its pretty much useless. I don't get a close shave at all. I have used it with my face dripping wet and that doesn't seem to help. Has anyone else had this problem? Any solutions? Thanks.

Less cream? More water? I dont have this problem, it works well for me and I solely face lather.

I use a dollop about 1/2" x 1/4" x 1/4".

Add water and make the lather gently until the lather is the consistency of lightly whipped cream (still a bit floppy); do not beat lather vigorously as this will incorporate too much air :sad:

Have fun !

Best regards

I find that I need less TOBS cream than some other creams I've used. A little goes a long way. You'd tried adding more water already; now try less cream.
I've only bowl lathered Avocado, but have noticed it takes a little more water than average, and the lather is thicker, slicker, and possibly heavier because of its dens. Maybe it won't whip up into a lighter, fluffier lather like some creams do?
I've tried to leg lather with TOBS avocado and found it very hard to lather even though I could bowl lather it no problem. I only tried twice and then just went back to using it in a bowl.
it has worked very well for me, with a very small amount and using a wee scot...tons of lather and a great shave

I use a dollop about 1/2" x 1/4" x 1/4".

Add water and make the lather gently until the lather is the consistency of lightly whipped cream (still a bit floppy); do not beat lather vigorously as this will incorporate too much air :sad:

Have fun !

Best regards


I thought that drove out the air. When I just start lathering, the air bubbles are gigantic, making the cream absolutely useless. Then I whip up a good hearty lather over a minute and a half or two minutes of constant mixing, and come up with a great lather.
I have had the sma e thing happen when I first started. If you do not have enough water mixed in , you will have a painful shave. When I use TOBS cream , I take a small amount of cream out , soak it underwater in the sink in my closed fist for a couple of seconds and then I palm lather it. I have found face lathering too messy when using creams . I always face lather with my soaps.
Dip the very tip of your brush into water a TINY bit. Resume face lathering. Repeat if necessary... until you feel the creamy consistency you seek
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