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Tobacco Pipes

Cobs are fine pipes. Particularly when matched with a classic American Codger Burley. Prince Albert, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Half and Half all are good choices. For a real tour of classic American pipe tobacco, find some Five Brothers, this is shag cut, nicotine punch in the face. On a rough morning this stuff and a cup of Cuban coffee are my go-to combo. I smoke burlies almost exclusively and don't have much of a taste for Virginias or English blends. Other than the classic old stuff. I fancy many of the Cornell and Diehl blends created by my good friend Bob Runowski. Perhaps the best pipe tobacco on the market today (IMHO) is his Old Joe Krantz. Other great C&D blends include Epiphany, and Riverboat Gambler.

As far as pipes, my tastes are rather specific as well, the bulk of my 24 pipe collection consists of four digit Kaywoodies (made before 1938). Other stars include a 1960 Kaywoodie Mandarin (with a two knuckle bamboo shank) and a couple nice meerschaums (which I must confess get only occassional attention.) For some odd reason, my pipe smoking always seems to slow way down in the hotter months. In fact, during the summer I am almost exclusively a lip weed user, favoring Grizzly snuff (a great replacement for the now VERY spendy Copenhagen). But long about September or October, you can bet I'll put it away for the season and smoke a pipe through about May or June.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I have pretty much quit smoking now although, when I was trying to get off the cigarettes, I did smoke a pipe occasionally in the evenings. I have a few nice pipes, my favorite being a nice KP Peterson's with hallmarked Stirling silver fittings. I also like a nice English Billiard shaped pipe, natural Algerian straight grained briar, makes me feel like Hugh Hefner. :cool::lol:
I have pretty much quit smoking now although, when I was trying to get off the cigarettes, I did smoke a pipe occasionally in the evenings. I have a few nice pipes, my favorite being a nice KP Peterson's with hallmarked Stirling silver fittings. I also like a nice English Billiard shaped pipe, natural Algerian straight grained briar, makes me feel like Hugh Hefner. :cool::lol:

Those sound nice! If you ever want to get rid of them. I'll make sure they find a great new home :whistling:


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Well I'm single at the moment so I don't have anyone harping on about my smoking...:biggrin:

If this changes I'll let you know. Might be a PIF in it, or a swap for shaving gear...
My favorites at the moment are my Petersons and Meers:

I number Dunhill, Parker and Falcon pipes in my rotation, and until recently corncobs until my last one burned out.
Shame is that only the standard ones are available over here - how I dream of a General or even a Mac but the postal charges are prohibitive.
On the whole I do not care for aromatics - more of a Latakia man - the only exception being the ones produced by Samuel Gawith - also very popular your side of the pond I gather.

Cordially, AvT.
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