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to use with Eau de Baux


What aftershave would you recommend to use with Eau de Baux (L'Occitane)

Should I get one without any special scent or? Got the Floid now and I think it smells pretty much and dosen't match the Baux that well :/.

Any tips is welcome!

Ohh, never seen that one.

But I can't get it, they don't have it on the Swedish L'Occitane site
they only got these in the Bavx series :thumbdown

I would like that one tho. Sob
The Eav des Bavx ASB is the way to go. However, in the summer I prefer a traditional AS to a balm or milk. I usually go with Speick ASL. I find that its scent is dissipates quickly and avoids clashing with the Eav des Bavx edt.
Eav des bavx is one of my faves, so I too hve been trying to find a good as match. So far I think alt innsbruck is the victor. Nice tobacco-y scent that fades pretty quickly and doesn't clash
Thanks, I will try to get one of those if I can't get my hands on the Bavx ASB.

It's stupid they don't sell it in the swedish shop.
You could also make an Eau de Baux AS splash. Just mix some with witchhazel. Vary the amount by how much alcohol burn you like.
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