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To mill or not to mill? That is the question.


I have an unopened puck of Provence Sante Green Tea soap. It has been waiting for me to finish one soap before it can be opened. I'm close to finishing said soap, so I will be starting to use the PSGT soon.

I like to use Mama Bear's soap containers, and have an empty one ready for the PSGT. As you know, it doesn't fit right, as the soap is tall and thin but the container is short and wide.

So, should I mill the soap to fit the container? Or should I just lather it up as it is?

Thanks in advance.
I wouldn't. I would find another, more suitable container. Perhaps you could shuffle another soap into the MB container and use it for the Green Tea?
I am in the same boat. The PSGT fits perfectly in my Old Spice mug, however I really prefer all of my soaps to be in my little plastic containers where I can put a lid on them and store them.
I really think that I am going to mill it.

Good luck making your decision!

I say mill it down to a reasonable height and pack the shavings around to fill in the outer diameter.

- Chris
Mill it. I just milled my IM stick into a sugar bowl with lid.

I have RL Safari and Speick coming that I have to figure out now...
I say mill it down to a reasonable height and pack the shavings around to fill in the outer diameter.
I did this with a puck of eShave that was too wide for the bowl I wanted to put it in. Milled around the outside, and packed the shavings in under the puck. Worked like a charm.


Wanting for wisdom
I like to enjoy things as they are built. Sometimes this is a bit of a challenge but maybe it makes it more fun.
I like to enjoy things as they are built. Sometimes this is a bit of a challenge but maybe it makes it more fun.

Not always. Classic example: Cella in it's own tub. Unless you're using Tom Thumb's shaving brush.

I don't have experience with Provence Sante or its hardness, but I've found that milling Speick sticks and MWF pucks into Rubbermaid bowls enhance their performance.
As always, read my disclaimer.
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