So I'm thinking about adopting a kitty cat. Never had one before, and haven't had a pet since I was in elementary school! Think I'd like a critter hopping around, and cats seem more independent than dogs so I wouldn't feel as bad leaving it at home during the day by itself.
I've been reading about adopting seniors and adults and kittens.. strays and purebreds.. Petstores and breeders and animal shelters. I've decided on a shelter cat, but haven't really decided on the age.
I'm not sure if I'm allergic. When I'm around cats, there always seems to be some other possible allergen around.. a dog, or smokers, or it's an outside cat, etc.. So I went to the Humane Society today. They put me in to the cattery and said that if my nose didn't start acting up pretty quickly that I was most likely not allergic. It didn't, so I got to play with a cat. There was one, a 5 month old kitten, that seemed energetic and awake (most were sleeping or just staring), so I asked to play with him.
He was a little bundle of joy
He liked all the toys and was bouncing off the walls, let me hold him and pet him. He meowed and purred a few times but not too much. But, I got to give him back when I had my fun
I felt a slight sniffle after, but it may have been coincidence? It's barely worth mentioning.
So cat lovers, what should I be aware of? What should be on my shopping list when I go to the pet store so I can be ready for a kitty? How do I need to prep the house?
I've been reading about adopting seniors and adults and kittens.. strays and purebreds.. Petstores and breeders and animal shelters. I've decided on a shelter cat, but haven't really decided on the age.
I'm not sure if I'm allergic. When I'm around cats, there always seems to be some other possible allergen around.. a dog, or smokers, or it's an outside cat, etc.. So I went to the Humane Society today. They put me in to the cattery and said that if my nose didn't start acting up pretty quickly that I was most likely not allergic. It didn't, so I got to play with a cat. There was one, a 5 month old kitten, that seemed energetic and awake (most were sleeping or just staring), so I asked to play with him.
He was a little bundle of joy

So cat lovers, what should I be aware of? What should be on my shopping list when I go to the pet store so I can be ready for a kitty? How do I need to prep the house?