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timor razors

i have not seen too much information on these razors.i purchased one on EBAY this year very nicely constructed but a very mild razor.on the box it showed GIESSEN&FORSTHOFF SOLINGEN Germany.these are folks involved with MERKUR? anyone know anything about these TIMOR RAZORS.thanks alot

There has been some discussion of the new G&F Timor razors on www.straightrazorplace.com . There are enough negative opinions, from reliable sources, to make me suspicious of them. I have no personal experience to draw on.

The vintage G&F razors are fine shavers -- I have one, and like it.

. charles
Giesen & Forsthoff used to make razors from what I understand. What they sell now is made by Weishi. These are knockoffs of some early TTO Gillette razors and they are actually fairly well made, but far too mild for most people. Some people use them to test blades because they are extremely mild--i.e. too mild. I myself bought one just for the cool leather case it came with. In any event, I wouldn't buy one unless you want to use it to test the acuity of razor blades or unless you're wanting a nice leather travel case (if it comes with that). Timor Blades are made by Medyna and these a pretty good.
thanks for the posts,i was suprised by the price of these razors but the quality is good,but i agree the razors are very mild and i might even say milder than my Weishi which was my first razor! regards
I binned my Timor TTO after a few months. I only have moderate growth, yet the Timor was having trouble getting anywhere near a decent shave after 3 full passes.
Now I use an Edwin Jagger DE89 using the same Personna reds & I'm consistently getting BBS after 3 passes.
I wouldn't recommend the Timor razors to anyone, simply because they give a false (bad) impression of what DE shaving is like!
The Timor Solingen blades are quite sharp, however. I wouldn't shy away from the Timor brand completely. After all, even Feather makes a completely average budget razor.
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