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: Time to submit it, 2015 Brown Leaf LE Pipes

UPDATE: I talked to Mark last night. He was hesitant on using Morta because his supply is somewhat limited. He gets his morta from Ukraine and with the recent turmoil, he hasn't been able to stock up on the black wood. But he is willing to use his supplies for us.

I agree! I already have a Bengal Tinsky...among about 5 other Tinsky pipes... I actually think the cheapest option looks the best out of the trio! [emoji41]

I love the morta, really like the Bengal, but there is something bout the blast. I think it's been decided.


Fussy Evil Genius
All three choices are wonderful. No one can go wrong. The Bengal is hypnotic.

I very much appreciate Mark using his valuable Morta and ivory for these pipes. I'm all excited, damn near giddy, about what is coming. So is my wife, for that matter. She kind of misses me smoking a pipe now and then. When I showed her what would be coming, she really grinned!

Gotta luv that gal!
All three choices are wonderful. No one can go wrong. The Bengal is hypnotic.

I very much appreciate Mark using his valuable Morta and ivory for these pipes. I'm all excited, damn near giddy, about what is coming. So is my wife, for that matter. She kind of misses me smoking a pipe now and then. When I showed her what would be coming, she really grinned!

Gotta luv that gal!

Yeah, I think you better hang on to her for a while! She is a rare one.


Fussy Evil Genius
We're at 20 years married and still going strong. She likes my brewing, shaving, and smoking (pipes--not so much cigars), and she tells me that I make a good cup of coffee.

I married better than she did!
After being awol for the last few weeks due to an unexpected job change and then being totally off the grid last week in the wilds of Ontario, I come back to find the LE has been announced. I went back and forth between the Blast and Bengal (Morta is a bug that I can't afford to give in to), and ended up ordering the natural. Last years natural was so pretty, this one seemed like a natural partner.Well done Andrew, I look forward to seeing it in person!
Sorry guys. I'm waffling between spending my pipe money on this or a Fikri Baki... and I think I'll be going the Baki route.

Sorry guys. I'm waffling between spending my pipe money on this or a Fikri Baki... and I think I'll be going the Baki route.


That would be a tough choice for anyone to make. I can understand the draw on the Baki. I'm hoping they stay available long enough for me to refill my expendable funds so I can grab one as well.
After much personal debate and deliberation... I finally broke down and asked my wife for her opinion on the Morta Tinksy or one of several other pipes that I was considering as my next purchase. She summed it up quite simply for me....

"Do you want something classy? or Something playful?"
"Classy" I say.
"Then get the Morta."

So shall it be said and so shall it be done. Now the wait begins... I'm super stoked about adding another morta to my collection and the ivory band is just that extra something to put this one over the top.

Great job Andrew!

I am curious, which choice was playful?
Was I the only person that was charged $215.05 for the sandblasted pipe, but the e-mail invoice was $187.00?
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