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Thunderstorm from a few years ago

30 second exposure
f 22
24mm Pentax 1:2 lens
Pentax K-1
10 stop ND filter stopped all the way down to cut light
Tripod (Benbo - an English manufacture based on a bent bolt to hold the legs and mast together, is easy to use with heavy gloves/mittens on)

great shot! looks like november? oregon?
i've still got one of those benbo's...hardly ever use it, but it seems indestructible!
we are in NE Oregon (desert) on the Columbia River. This was probably an August storm. Most of our thunderstorms are July thru September, but most go around my town as they split and go north and south of us coming back together 30 miles to the east of us. Same with snow, but when it snows here it snows a bunch.
Cool photo, I love the cloud formations. Thanks for sharing it with us.

My wife took one of me standing at the tripod with a thunderhead behind me. I was shooting to the north, she was shooting to the south. In perspective to the thunderhead I look smaller than an ant.

It really puts into perspective our place on this earth.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
Wonderful photo. Great textures, colours and contrast. The wide depth of field works really well here, pulling the gritty, thunder-grey road surface into the composition. The picture takes you right there, which is what makes it so successful in my opinion.
Wonderful photo. Great textures, colours and contrast. The wide depth of field works really well here, pulling the gritty, thunder-grey road surface into the composition. The picture takes you right there, which is what makes it so successful in my opinion.

Thank you so much.
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