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Three and out...my experience with feathers

I have been using a feather blade with my EJ89 and notice that I'm only getting three good shaves before its tugging like a 10 ft gator in Louisiana!

Anyone else have this experience? I'm doing two passes, WTG and ATG, and the ATG is getting rough!
3 is my average with Feathers. I often put a Feather in my Tech on Saturday morning, and wind up throwing it out after Monday's shave.
I agree with Vickers, 2.5 shaves is way max for me. Especially with my DE89, the firs shave is great, the second questionable, and the third is razor bumps. ymmv
I have a fine even bristle and I am able to get between 6 - 8 shaves off a Feather blade using either my R89 or DE89. In the Feather AS, I can get a few less.

I will admit, anything beyond 6 shaves is at the lower end of DFS and it is usually a bit of laziness rather than the desire to push the blade. As with everything; YMMV
3 at the most for me. I stretched to 4 once or twice and it was a mistake. Even the 3rd shave seems to be a little less efficient.
Seems no matter which blade I use- I seem to be pushing it if I go to 4 shaves. The only exception is in my SE with Ted Pella coated blades.
This and its a shame, I like the shaves I get but I'd expect more considering the price. Its the only deal breaker for me with Feathers.

Still cheap compared with cartridges. What are they, like 40 or 45 cents a blade? Even with only two shaves, it's about 20 cents/shave. Fusion cartridges are about 4 bucks and I'd stretch 'em to about 5 or 6 shaves; nearly a buck each.
Anyone else have this experience?

Well, I'm not the normal case, I'm sure, but I find that the first feather shave is a bit uncomfortable (not so smooth), the second and third are pretty darn good. If I go to four, it's invariably time for a new blade. Still, shaves 2 and 3 are great. I love the feather in the tech, or in a slim set to 3. Those have been wonderfully reliable combinations for me.
-- Chet
I'm currently happy with 6-7 shaves with Feather blades. Went 14 once just to test. After a point the blade didn't appear to deteriorate further so got bored and tossed it. I'm using both a ball-end Tech and a Fatboy adjusted to 1 or 2. They were also fine in an experiment with a Gillette short comb New. My beard is moderately heavy with whiskers that seem to get tougher as I age. I like the blades fine. I've only been back into DE shaving for 6 months now. Perhaps I'll become more persnickety about blade performance and start tossing Feather blades sooner as I "mature" in the endeavor.

As I recently took delivery on 200 Feather blades I better like them. I ought to see a couple years of shaving out of them.
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