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Thread 500

it's about time...I mean, congrats!

The last time one of the ladies were marked with 'Bigelow Boy' I came up with a nifty ditty.

Ah, here it is....
I'm just a Bieglow, and everywhere I go
People know the part I'm playin'.
Pay for every cream, sellin' all my dreams,
I ain't got no savin's?
There will come a day, when money will pass away,
how will I shave me?
When the end comes I know, I'm still a boy of Bigelow
B&B goes on without me.

'Coz I... Ain't got no shave soap!
No shave soap to shave me, there's
No shave soap to shave me!
I'm so sad and in need of a shave!
Won't some sweet B&B member send me some shave soap, please?
Cause I have a bad shave.
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