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This One Goes to 11!

I love classical everything from baroque to romantic and contemporary, also swing and most modern and trad. jazz but I also love anything progressive in general and METAL! Right now I like possessed, Dark Angel, Exodus (EARLY)- NO METALLICA! Early slayer (show no mercy), Hellhammer, Burzum (not vargs ideologies though), Immortal, slabdragger, BATHORY! thats great stuff. Also like sodom, kreator, Hobb's angel of death, candlemass and early therion, pan thy monium is great too, love that avant gard stuff.
Thanks SmoovD!

You know how I loves-me some instrumental...here's some Viking Metal, instrumental, of course...Repetitious, but, so am I...:laugh:

And, a little art work.........:thumbup:

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@Warbird.....NSFW or NSFB&B in your link. Please edit to remove the link.

11'ers- Let's try to keep the posts as family friendly as possible to keep this thread alive and well.
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