Jun 6, 2013 #1 PDman samples! Attachments $2013-06-06 12.15.23.jpg 24.8 KB · Views: 51
Jun 6, 2013 #2 blzrfn A few twins of your samples have made their way through my shave den as well. The only one I have ordered a full size of (so far) is the Agua Lavanda and Proraso, but I see bottles of Captain's Choice and Floid in my future.
A few twins of your samples have made their way through my shave den as well. The only one I have ordered a full size of (so far) is the Agua Lavanda and Proraso, but I see bottles of Captain's Choice and Floid in my future.
Jun 6, 2013 Thread starter #5 PDman TheVez2 said: Did you get those from Gary? Click to expand... Some. Some from another vendor outside of B&B and I don't know if its appropriate to mention.
TheVez2 said: Did you get those from Gary? Click to expand... Some. Some from another vendor outside of B&B and I don't know if its appropriate to mention.
Jun 6, 2013 Thread starter #6 PDman mistercitizen said: Wow, that's alot of samples. Enjoy! I prefer full bottles myself . Ben Click to expand... I do to. This will surely lead to a few of those.
mistercitizen said: Wow, that's alot of samples. Enjoy! I prefer full bottles myself . Ben Click to expand... I do to. This will surely lead to a few of those.
Jun 6, 2013 #7 mistercitizen PDman said: I do to. This will surely lead to a few of those. Click to expand... Samples are just that first step down the slippery slope of AD . Ben
PDman said: I do to. This will surely lead to a few of those. Click to expand... Samples are just that first step down the slippery slope of AD . Ben
Jun 6, 2013 Thread starter #8 PDman mistercitizen said: Samples are just that first step down the slippery slope of AD . Ben Click to expand... I've been sliding down that slope since I discovered B&B.
mistercitizen said: Samples are just that first step down the slippery slope of AD . Ben Click to expand... I've been sliding down that slope since I discovered B&B.