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Thinking of moving from Muhle R89 to Feather Stainless AS-D1

Hi all

I currently use a Muhle R89, which is my only DE razor (in fact the only item I wet shave with). I'm very pleased with it the razor & how it handles, and having only a few months of DE experience I like how it's forgiving of errors and basically a fairly tame creature. I can shave ATG with it but on my throat this is a bit of a problem in that it's basically hard going, if I try to force it I do get a rash there so have to be as light as possible & even then I know that actually my neck doesn't like me going ATG. I use Gillette 7 o'clock Super Platinums & Osma soap.

I was considering getting a Feather stainless steel AS-D1 because it seems to generally get a great review with the only 'gripe' being that it's too mild, however it still gives a nice shave. The chance of successfully shaving ATG on my throat with no rash appeals to me however given that the R89 is itself a fairly mild closed-comb shaver and the Feather is a huge jump in terms of price, do you reckon I'm throwing money away here or is the Feather really so mild that it gives better results ATG? the idea of having a mild razor then spending £160 on another mild razor sounds daft but I know it might not be as simple as it first seems. Any comments / suggestions appreciated.

Actually that's something I'm looking into separately, I've heard it does help - on a similar note I'm testing some regular Poraso cream shortly to see how that compares. Anyway, I'd be interested to see how the AS-D1 compared if I didn't change the rest of my set-up / routine as it'd give a clear indication of any differences under 'lab conditions'.
Seraphim - just saw your post - I'm kind of satisfying myself that I've made the good old 'informed choice', explored the right avenues etc. You're right though, I don't need justification (that's partly my problem!) - even the sight of the AS-D1 is a pull..! almost too easy to just order one but don't want to get one then think there's not sufficient difference for the extra cost.
I have trouble getting as smooth a shave as I like on my neck as I would like. The hair on the top half of my neck seems to grow from my ear to my throat horizontally and not completely straight at that. I, too have used a Muhle R89, and a Feather AS D-1 as well. But I have used more aggressive razors as well, including the 2011 R41 and the Tradere. No matter how hard I try, even after 3 or 4 passes I still feel a hint of stubble when i run my fingers acrosss my neck horizontally. I have come to accept it. However, the Feather AS D-1 is a very well made razor and is one of my favorites. I find it to be very smooth when used with a Feather blade. Is it worth $180? That depends on the individual shaver. YMMV. By the way, I like the Muhle R89. It, too, is among my favorite razors.

Do it! I have an r89 and a feather as d1. The feather is milder. I can get my neck bbs with light buffing with this razor. I wouldn't try this with any other razor I own.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
When you have toiled with a DE and still yearn for more, a straight may get you to where you want to go. :smile:

It's also a heck of a lot cheaper to get started with an entry level set up than the AS-D1
I have always been negative on the AS. For me it is far too mild to be an effective shaver. However, I love the handle and use it on my FaTip, LC New, and my EJ 89. So, I'm using a $180 handle.

It's also a heck of a lot cheaper to get started with an entry level set up than the AS-D1

To get started...Sure....but where it finishes is the catch...

Being as the Feather AS is about top of the heap when it comes to DEs and at $150 that's a bargain compared to top of the heap straights ($300 and upwards).
I know many say it's too mild but I get easy bbs with the feather in 3 passes with a little touch up and I have a very course beard. It takes a different approach than the r89 but is a great shaver. The thing I like most about this razor is the ability to buff atg without irritation.
The Feather AS-D1 is a very well made nice shaving razor. It is very mild and requires great attention when you shave to keep the blade angle for a proper cut.

If you shave like a machine, keeping a perfect angle with every stroke you will love it. It will make you a better shaver then you thought possible or you will grow tired of it and it will be resold.

The Feather and R41 are the most resold razors as they both demand the that the user pay close attention to their shave.

Having not used a R89 so I can only respond to the Feather half of your question. I can agree with a lot of what has been said in this thread so far about the mildness and buffing especially. I have problem areas below the jaw line too. I can drag a finger ahead of the Feather when going ATG to clean up those spots, something that usually led to trouble with other razors.

I still enjoy vintage Gillettes like the Milord, Fat Boy or the Diplomat as well as some Merkur slants. After using only the Feather for several months the awareness of angle seems built into my arm and helps me get the most out of other razors too.

If at some point you feel as thought the AS-D1 is not your cup of tea, most of the ones I've seen sell on BST sell the same day for $20 - $30 US below retail so it's not like you would be out much at the worst.

What ever path you choose, enjoy the journey......It just gets better and better.
Have you thought about getting a Weber? In all honesty I've never even laid eyes on the feather, but I hear a lot of people saying they're too mild. The Weber is a great razor, great price, and it's darned hard to cut yourself with it, and gets a lot fewer complaints about being too mild.
Have you thought about getting a Weber? In all honesty I've never even laid eyes on the feather, but I hear a lot of people saying they're too mild. The Weber is a great razor, great price, and it's darned hard to cut yourself with it, and gets a lot fewer complaints about being too mild.

This is exactly what I did.

I wanted all stainless, beefy, mild, easy (target use is for headshaving). I was about to justify the Feather AS, but then learned of the Weber. First shave today was excellent.
Thanks all, great info. The Weber is a bit of a curve-ball and I'll look into those too but suspect I will either get the Feather or even the Weber, fairly soon.
I have a Feather AS-D1, and my wife has an Edwin Jagger with the EJ/Muhle R89 head. I have used her razor a few times, but I really love my Feather. I get good, comfortable shaves with it every day. It may be mild, but I like that about it. Plus, it is a beautiful piece of art.
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