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thinking of getting an adjustable razor; which?

I've never owner an adjustable razor. My favourite razor is Merkur 38c. I like the length and the larger weight. I also have Merkur slant (pretty, but too aggressive for me I think), the Mekur classic HD (too "insubstantial", would prefer longer handle), and some other razors which are alright, but just never make it into my rotation.

So, I've been itching for an adjustable (RAD kicking back in after all those years). I think I would like something in the length of the 38C, and possibly with similar weight. Also, I am aiming to make this my daily shaver, which means that it is important to me that you do not have to be super careful with it, go slow, etc, etc. (This is one reason why my current 38C wins out over the slant... I never get cut with it, and can go super fast even on those rushed mornings). Also, I prefer brand new razors over used ones (so somewhat biased against Gilettes).

I've been looking at Merkur Futur, Progress, Vision, and Mergress... one of the Mergress is current top contender, but not fully sold on aesthetics of it, plus still wondering about how slippery it is when wet. I've looked at Gilette slim and fatboy, and like the look (and by the sound of it weight), but just not crazy about getting used equipment.

Are there other razors, other than Merkur or Gilette that I should be looking at? (especially if still manufactured, as opposed to buying used)
I have a 1958 Fatboy and a 1966 Slim and love them both. You can not have to many razor. Change them out and you will never get board.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Start with the Gillette Slim and go from there, you won't be disappointed.
Hmm, I suspect this will be a common theme, and that Gillette might indeed turn out to be the right choice, despite my reservations about buying "used".

Seeing as these are no longer produced, and thus not sold in stores, what are the best ways of acquiring these? eBay? Are there better ways/places? (I've gotten razors over eBay in past, a few times, but that was 5 years ago...; my mild RAD was in remission but just flared up again.)
Since I got my Fat Boy, I have sold 2 other razors that I thought I loved. I own a Slim which I have not used yet. I hear the Futur is difficult under the nose, but have never shaved with one.
For vintage adjustables, Slim and Fatboy are the best; and for modern, the Merkur Progress or it's modified version the Mergress (my favorite and hard to beat for a close shave) are my choices. As for handling, the Progress/Mergress aren't bad when damp while shaving. The solution is to keep them clean with hot water during the session, and learning how to hold them comes with practice. I haven't dropped either of mine yet.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Seeing as these are no longer produced, and thus not sold in stores, what are the best ways of acquiring these? eBay? Are there better ways/places?

Our B/S/T would likely be the best place, there are some now for around $20-25, just search the forum for slim.
Hmm, I suspect this will be a common theme, and that Gillette might indeed turn out to be the right choice, despite my reservations about buying "used".

Seeing as these are no longer produced, and thus not sold in stores, what are the best ways of acquiring these? eBay? Are there better ways/places? (I've gotten razors over eBay in past, a few times, but that was 5 years ago...; my mild RAD was in remission but just flared up again.)

Buy/Sell/Trade section. Antique/thrift stores, flea markets, ebay, craigslist.
I have all the Gillette Adjustables except the toggle. While I like them all, I think the Super Adjustable Black Beauty is my favorite shaver of the bunch.
For vintage adjustables, Slim and Fatboy are the best; and for modern, the Merkur Progress or it's modified version the Mergress (my favorite and hard to beat for a close shave) are my choices. As for handling, the Progress/Mergress aren't bad when damp while shaving. The solution is to keep them clean with hot water during the session, and learning how to hold them comes with practice. I haven't dropped either of mine yet.

I own one of each and love all three. Don't be afraid to open them up. They are great shavers at high settings and rarely require more than WTG XTG for a really close shave.
Another vote for the slim here - I know you said you're not too crazy about the idea of a used razor, but if you buy one from a member here, you're pretty much guaranteed it's been looked after & probably Barbicide'd prior to shipping.

They're a great razor, as mild as you like, or as aggressive as you'd want; on a low setting, I can shave as quickly as I can with a cartridge razor (much as I love it, I could try that with my Merkur Futur, but I think there may be some cleaning up issues...)
Well this is embarrassing: it turns out I already have a Slim Adjustable! I just did not realize it. You see, my interest in wet shaving (and RAD) has just flared up after 4 or 5 years of "absence" (i.e., wet shaving once in a blue moon, once every 2 months or so). Merkur 38C and 1902 were my primary and only shavers in rotation; the rest of my acquisitions were in a drawer, in a box, hidden away... I just recalled yesterday that I had an old Gillette in there, from some EBay acquisition or starter set I have all forgotten about. So yesterday I dug the box out on a whim, and lo' and behold, I immediately recognized the Gillette razor for what it was (now that I was actively investigating it and looking for sales). Woo hoo! And it's in good shape too. L2 code, fwiw.

I tried a shave with it. The Derby blade in it tugged like hell, so I swapped out for a Feather. Doable, but... I think I just need to relearn with this new razor, the head geometry and thus my hold is different from the Merkurs which I am so used to. I'll try it out for a week. I think that's a key reason I forgot about this Slim: the first time I tried it, early in my shaving career, with a Derby, it was not a pretty shave, hence I immediately shelved it...

How different is Fatboy to teh Slim, in terms of shaving technique / angles? That's the other Gillette I've been always ogling... and I suspect the thicker handle would be nicer in my big hands.
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