This bike would be more compact, not as good on steep hills, a tad lighter and certainly less complex. I'll use this for paved bike paths and very moderate hills. At age 70 I'm only riding short distances now. Any thoughts?
I like the vintage Gary Fisher Aquila bikes made from True Temper Platninum OX tubing...oversized double butted chromoly tubes...stiff but light enough, not as light as an aluminum frame but not too stiff.
Lots of vintage bikes out there for not much money, or even modern bike...It all depends on your budget. I think old 26 inch bikes with ratchet thumb shifters are works of art, sadly they are getting horrendously expensive or just harder to find.
Really the most important component when buying an old 26 inch bike is the wheelset, they have to be in good working order because wheels are so expensive.
Although I'm still lucky enough to ride my mt bike, some of my friends that are near my age have gone to Ebikes. That is a viable option that you might consider.
I've seen some used ones that are intended for pavement riding that were fairly inexpensive. Just a thought.
I bought a Fisher Paramount in 1991. I still have it... sort of... because of Fisher's warranty, they replaced the frame so it's now a Gary Fisher (since Trek bought Fisher) Kronos team frame. Over the years, I've upgraded almost everything.. .new shifters, 24 gears instead of the original 21... street tires with the inward grip pattern, etc. etc. etc. I don't think there's anything left that I originally had except the handlebar grips.
Still, even in Florida where I don't really need all the gears, I love the bike. I'm only riding on the road now so I don't really need a front suspension fork but I wouldn't change it. I'm 70 now so I only average around 12MPH instead of the 18 to 20MPH I used to do, but it's good exercise and I notice, I observe more when I'm riding a bike as opposed to driving. My two main sources of exercise, besides stretching and light weight lifting, are biking and rowing on a Concept 2 rower... both are kind to my aging joints.
Maybe little off topic, I found very good belt drive and urban bike. Bought 2nd hand (but never used, size was not correct for 1st owner) BMC 257. Belt drive is silent, clean, and fun for me to drive with my son.
The 257 AL ONE is your all-new urban bike of choice. With its clean looks, exacting attention to detail and functional integration, this is your partner in crime for daily rides. Its Premium Aluminium frame is light, versatile and powder coated for durability. Integrated StVZO certified lights...