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thinking about a fatip but which one?

since im placing a order with shaving ie im thinking about adding a fatip. can someone tell me anything about them and what the differences are between the models? i seem to read mixed info here and there about them. are they worth it? how well do they work compared to some others? aggressive? i have never used one so im really curious.

any info would be great thank you!!

also i think im considering the grande (unless the piccolo is better) model but unshure if i should go for the chrome or nickel? which is the better plating all my razors are chrome currently and curious about the nickel plate?
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I believe the heads are identical, so the differences are primarily aesthetic. Pick whichever one's most appealing to you.
I think the gold one looks rather nice. The only thing i'd worry about is the handle and a gold head on a diffetent handle...
Anyway, connaught also has them and offers a package with a 3rd party stainless steel handle.
To further confused the fatip noob :tongue_sm, different batches from different vendors have different threads which makes pairing with handles a hit-and-miss affair. For my nickel grande (bought from another UK vendor - not connaught), only my weber DLC and sabi T1 handles fit. Not my weber bulldog.

On the differences:
chrome looks nicer and the nickel is a bit retro-vintage looking, which you may prefer (since you got too many chrome razors already) .
The picolo is shorter but heavier. The'grande' handle is 3 1/2" (which is equal to muhle's standard handle) and for me, I would prefer something around 4"

Connaught also sells separate handles (non-stainless steel) to fit fatip but I thought it was prudent (and cheaper) to grab a sabi T1 from shave-a-buck for its heavy 4" (BRW lookalike) brass handle.
the sabi is a closed head correct? so you just bought it for the handle? how did you know it would fit though if you are saying they have all different threads? seems what i kind of am wanting (i would buy a joris but a bit pricey for me right now though they look AWESOME). i am just not sure if i order a fatip which threads it will have.

i have read though this head is not awesome with the smaller handles it seems people really like the heavier handles.

also is the cadet oc head the same thing?
the sabi is a closed head correct? so you just bought it for the handle? how did you know it would fit though if you are saying they have all different threads? seems what i kind of am wanting (i would buy a joris but a bit pricey for me right now though they look AWESOME). i am just not sure if i order a fatip which threads it will have.

i have read though this head is not awesome with the smaller handles it seems people really like the heavier handles.

also is the cadet oc head the same thing?

Yes - sabi is closed comb. I have the sabi T1, Fatip nickel grande, R41 (2011) and weber DLC.
Yes - bought it for the handle but it shaves as good as the fatip, so the weber handle is currently paired with the fatip. And my weber head is paired with tradere handle :lol:

There is a long thread somewhere which addresses the different handles fitting the different fatips. I think the consensus is that the fatips are probably manufactured by different factories. It is a hit and miss thingy with handles and fatip.

And yes, I find a longer or heavier handle works wonder for the fatip. And Sabi T1 handle is the heaviest I have, at the same 4" (probably as heavy as some of the UFOs)

Don't have cadet but read that the head is better than Sabi

(old pic before handles switch) L-R weber with bulldog, R41 with tradere, sabi and fatip with weber handle.

Not so great head but fantastic solid brass handle

Edit: just found a thread by UFO - Fatip thread is non standard and UFO is charging extra just to make its handles fit.
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I have both the Piccolo and the Grande handles for my Fatip and I prefer the Grande. The Piccolo is smaller but weighs more than the Grande because it is solid while the latter is hollow. There seems to be a lot of people here who feel like they have to shave with the hammer of Thor but the weight thing wasn't a factor for me on either handle. Even though it's lighter, I prefer the Grande handle for its greater diameter and I like the ridges on the end of the handle which make for a nice grip. I tend to hold my razors by the tip of the handle so I don't exert force on the head of the razor. I think the differences in length are negligible, it made no difference to me. I got mine in the nickle finish. These aren't polished beauty queens like the EJ DE89. I don't think the finish compromises the integrity of the razor but it could be nicer and prettier. (Primarily the handle, the head assembly seems fine.) My Fatip provides a great shave. I wouldn't say it's a mild shaver but it is a smooth shaver. I tend to prefer a razor on the more aggressive side of the scale. I LOVE my 37C slant and I set my Slim and Fatboy at an 8. The Fatip would be pretty much in the same league but isn't overly aggressive.
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i wanted gold but most places are out of stock. so between the chrome and nickel which has a nicer finish on these? does one make the head glide better against the skin? (i doubt it but thought it was worth asking), mikelz im also ordering a slant tonight as well :lol:
i wanted gold but most places are out of stock. so between the chrome and nickel which has a nicer finish on these? does one make the head glide better against the skin? (i doubt it but thought it was worth asking), mikelz im also ordering a slant tonight as well :lol:
The Fatip similar design Joris has a palladium plating that significantly makes a difference on the shave results. The Joris is more expensive but the results from the shave is much better. Here are two links that may help you understand better. http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...handle-name-thread-post-all-here!!?highlight=


yeah i saw those and wowowow i really want one. my favorite i think is the wood/24k gold one.. beautiful. anyone know who has the best prices on them?? anywhere less than 150$??
yeah i saw those and wowowow i really want one. my favorite i think is the wood/24k gold one.. beautiful. anyone know who has the best prices on them?? anywhere less than 150$??

These are hardly sold at a cheaper price, i bought mine for $140 bucks 4 years ago, sometimes they show up at BST for $100 to $120 bucks used.
i still may buy one sooner than later lol. so what is the better plating on these fatip's? which has better quality control and works with various handles. i would prefer i think the grande and really am thinking about a gold one, but then ill get a second and i cant decide between chrome and nickel. seems nickel has more issues with the plating or no? but the chrome i guess doesnt fit as many handles?? can someone clarify these things for me??

thank you
Fatip Grande is a great razor. Coupled with a Super Iridium it's ridiculously smooth and shaves close. Beginning to edge out every other razor I have.

but those Joris sure are purty...��
have them in cart now but chrome or nickel i cant decide. the joris will come next month i think. is there any good pics side by side of the two? and i want to make sure i can swap out handles?? which will show more defect in the metal / finish on these since it seems they are not finished the best metal wise??
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have them in cart now but chrome or nickel i cant decide. the joris will come next month i think. is there any good pics side by side of the two? and i want to make sure i can swap out handles??
Note: These listings will change daily, see end of thread for updated list as of April/11/2013...

UFO Razor Handles - Available Fatip thread

1) Fatip Grande Nickel :
:thumbup: Do fits : 1) Tradere,2) Edwin Jagger DE8, 3) Gillette Fat Tech handle, 4) Gillette New Comb, 5) Weber Bulldog, 6) Weber classic, 7) UFO-Godzilla 8) Parker 91r
9) Parker 48r, 11)
Ikon Bulldog ( some members say it fits), 12) Gillette Old OC 1909 ABC Handle, 13) UFO Goliath Handle, 14) 7o'clock OC Handle(Made In England), 15) UFO/Kaiser, 16) SABI Fat Handle, 17) GS1 Handle,18) Weber classic (DLC version),19) SABI/T-1,20)Griest stainless & 360 brass handles
:thumbdown Do not fit :Ikon Bulldog, Muelle R41,Weber bulldog and tradere (1st release)
2) Fatip Piccolo :
:thumbup: Do fit: 1) Weber Bulldog handle, 2) Tradere, 3) Ikon OSS , 4) UFO Kaiser, 5) Feather AS D1, 6) Gilette New Fat Handle, 7) Gillette Fat TEch Handle, 8) Parker 98R, ---
9) IKON Bulldog *( some say it dont fit), 10) UFO-Godzilla, 11) Edwin Jagger DE89, 12) Gillette 7'oclock (GB), 13) Gillette New OC LC ball end gold plated (GB), 14) Gillette New OC LC ball end Sheffield/Laurel (GB), 15) Gillette Old OC ball end silver plated (US), 16) Gillette Old OC short travel handle (US), 17) Gillette Tech fat handle (GB), 18) Gillette Tech slim handle (fat alike) (GB), 19) Gillette Tech straight aluminium, 20) IKon Bulldog handle -( fits, but loose until the final turn), 21) Lord L6 , 22) Mercur 985CL (2 piece travel), 23) Mühle R41 2011, 24) Tradere, 25) Sabi Fat handle, 26) GS1 handle

:thumbdown Do not fit: 1) Mariner long handle, 2) R41 Grande handle, 3)Ikon Bulldog, 4) EJ DE89, 5) Gillette New OC LC ball end silver plated (GB), 6) Gillette Tech ball end aluminium, 7) Gillette Tech ball end brass/nickel, 8) Gillette Tech black bakelite , 9)Griest stainless & 360 brass handles

3) Fatip Grande Chrome :

:thumbup: Do fit: 1)Bob Razor Works Deluxe XL, 2) Weber Bulldog, 3) *Ikon Bulldog(some say it wont fit)*, 4) Tradere (many members say it fits), 6) UFO-Godzilla, 7) 7 oclock,
8) Gillette New OC, 9) LC ball end gold plated (GB), 10) Gillette Old OC ball end silver plated (US), 11) Gillette Old OC short travel handle (US), 12) Gillette Tech slim handle (fat alike) (GB),
13) Gillette Tech straight aluminium, 14) Lord L6 , 15) Mercur 985CL (2 piece travel handle), 16) Parker 98R, 17) BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe - (Fits. Starts loose, but tightens up ), 18) 98R Heavy Duty Premium Barberpole, 19)SABI Fat Handle, 20) GS1 handle, 21) Ikon OSS handle,22)ATT/Atlas Handle,23)UFO Kaiser Short (fits Short as well as standard length Kaiser handle),24) Griest stainless & 360 brass handles

:thumbdownDo not fit : Tradere Handle(on some, many do fit), Edwin Jagger Bulbous Chrome handle
4) Fatip Grande Gold :

:thumbup: Do fit : 1) Feather AS, 2) BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe / Fits. Starts loose, but tightens up sufficiently, 3)UFO-Godzilla, 4) Sabi fat handle, 5) Gs1,6)Griest stainless & 360 brass handles

************************************************** ************************************************** **********************************************

***Handle and FATIP Razor specs Section***:

Razor Specs:

1) Fatip Grande Nickel: Handle length 77 mm/ total length 85 mm/ WT 65 g/ ( Thread 4.35)
2) Fatip Piccolo :
Handle length 70 mm/ WT 72 g/ Heavier than others
3) Fatip Grande Chrome : Handle length 77 mm/ total length 85 mm/ WT 65 g/ ( Thread measure 4.38mm)-Screw: 4.36 MM width : 14.05mm length
4) Fatip Grande Gold : Handle length 77 mm/ total length 85 mm/ WT 65 g/


1) Tradere ( head 4.80, WT 66 gm)
2) Edwin Jagger DE89 ( threads 4.89mm)-
whole razor Weight = 76g
3) Gillette Fat Tech handle
4) Gillette New Comb-
Gillette Bar Handle/SC New =WT 20.4/ - Gillette Ball Handle /LC New = WT 24.7
5) Weber Bulldog (needs 2 extra turns for fit)
, 2.4 ounces / 3 inch long /
6) Weber Classic- wt 58 gms ........3-7/8" in length (9.8 cm)
6) Weber 'New' Classic -wt 76 gms
7) Ikon Bulldog,
8) Ikon OSS
[head 4.85- wt 100 gms - 95mm long - 12.25mm diameter] (works but is loose until the final turn) ,
9) UFO Kaiser (polished SS, 100mm lg, 13mm diameter, 91 grams wt)
10) Mariner long handle razor weighs in at 2.4 oz . The handle is 3" long.

11) R41 Grande handle ( whole razor WT 35.5)
12) Bob Razor Works Deluxe XL,
13) Feather AS. ( whole razor Wt 90 gms / 3 1/2 in long)
14) UFO-Godzilla (316L Stainless Steel. 85 mm long. 15/15 mm caliber. 103 gr weight.
Thread is M5x0.8.The neck ends to 8.5 mm)
15) UFO Goliath XL- 316L Stainless Steel. 100 mm long. 15/15 mm caliber. 123 gr weight./Red Bronze. 100 mm long. 15/15 mm caliber. ??? gr weight (pending)./Thread is M5x0.8. 16) Heavy Duty Premium Barber-pole handle (89 gm).
17) lord 16
18) LC ball end gold plated (GB)
Gillette Old OC ball end silver plated (US),
Gillette Old OC short travel handle (US),

Gillette Tech slim handle (fat alike) (GB),
Gillette Tech straight aluminum,
Mercur 985CL (2 piece travel handle),

Parker 98R ( 4" handle and weighs 3 oz. whole razor wt)

Parker 91r (handle length 99mm, weight 80g (head+handle)
Parker 48R (handle length 91 mm, weight 96g (head+handle)
26) BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe XL- (93 grams/ 96mm long, 13mm diameter on the main handle and 15mm diameter on the magnetic knob on the end.)
27) UFO Goliath - 316L Stainless Steel. 85 mm long. 15/15 mm caliber./ 103 gr weight.Red Bronze. 85 mm long./ 15/15 mm caliber./ 115 gr weight/thread is M5x0.8

28) Gillette 7'oclock (GB)
29) Gillette New OC LC ball end gold plated (GB)

30) Gillette New OC LC ball end Sheffield/Laurel (GB)
31) Gillette Old OC ball end silver plated (US)
32) Gillette Old OC short travel handle (US)
33) Gillette Tech fat handle (GB)
34) Gillette Tech slim handle (fat alike) (GB)
35) Gillette Tech straight aluminium
36) iKon Bulldog handle
37) Lord L6
38) ATT/Atlas handle- Whole razor weighs in at 95 grams, total length is 3 1/4" while the handle is 3" long, 303 Stainless steel
39)Parker 98R Heavy Duty Premium Barberpole Whole razor Length: 10.8 cm Weight: 121g
40)Sabi fat handle - 3 1/4 in long, wt 2.5 oz

41) GS1 - 3 1/2 inches long, 1/2 inch in diameter and weighs in at 80 grams. Where the handle meets the head is 8.5mm and should fit most razor heads as the threads are M5x0.8.
SABI /T-1- 4 inches with the head
Griest stainless & 360 brass handles-3in long, 5/8th in. diameter and 111 grams in weight.

have them in cart now but chrome or nickel i cant decide. the joris will come next month i think. is there any good pics side by side of the two? and i want to make sure i can swap out handles?? which will show more defect in the metal / finish on these since it seems they are not finished the best metal wise??

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have them in cart now but chrome or nickel i cant decide. the joris will come next month i think. is there any good pics side by side of the two? and i want to make sure i can swap out handles?? which will show more defect in the metal / finish on these since it seems they are not finished the best metal wise??

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have them in cart now but chrome or nickel i cant decide. the joris will come next month i think. is there any good pics side by side of the two? and i want to make sure i can swap out handles?? which will show more defect in the metal / finish on these since it seems they are not finished the best metal wise??

this is from B&B member/aabcds

Top Plate​
Bottom Plate​
Joris Horn​
Joris Major​
Muhle Pre-2008 R89​
Muhle Pre-2008 R41/Fa Tip​

is that really a fatip because they are called premax?? i would get a gold for sure but want a second color also.. hmmmm
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