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There is only one thing I realized I don't like about the R41

I woke up this morning and there still isn't much of anything to shave today! Yesterday was my first time using the R41 along with a Weber handle. Got some great results and a ridiculously close, yet irritation and cut, nick and weeper-free shave. I didn't think it was possible, but this razor has blown away every other razor I have! A few weeks ago I tried a slant, an thought that was the bee's knees, but the R41 had taken over that spot in my arsenal! Here's the link to my first shave impressions if anyone is interested: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/320479-First-shave-with-an-R41-impressions'
And it may be responsible for RAD...But I think I found a cure because I have a second R41 on the way with an Ikon Bulldog handle!
Another case of the R41 being too good for its own good. I'll have to try it with one o these aftermarket handles at some point.
Another case of the R41 being too good for its own good. I'll have to try it with one o these aftermarket handles at some point.

Unfortunately I cannot attest to what it's like with the stock handle, but definitely give it the thumbs up for the Bulldog handle. The razor just felt the way it's supossed to I guess. When I tried my Mergress XL last week after using a slant for a while it just felt like pulling and tugging. Now I am curious as to what the slant will feel like after using the R41.
I do like very much the R41 (by far my second preferred razor) but I had this feeling you had first time I used Merkur Slant.

I got a so easy, close, worry free, nick and cut free shaving with slant bar that all my other 20+ razors became useless and disinteresting.
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