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There I Am Minding My Own Business or When Fountain Pens Attack

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$2012-09-18 21.03.23.jpg
all up the inside of that finger, all up the inside of the one beside it, down my leg all over my knee,... on my foot, and dont even get me started on the poor poor cat who has a small blue mohawk now

for the record Pelikan Edelstein Topaz washes off skin easy with normal handsoap,.. leaves a slight blue refreshing hue behind but its not all that bad, if you get to it quickly... any spots missed well thats a different matter

i would say i would buy this stuff after that lol, my hero pen on the other hand seems to have had a bit to much to drink last night and finally succumbed to the work pressure i had it under,... i would have preferred cookies, but it could have been worse, ( If i werent a chosen man, i could have made a Veg joke here sigh)

is this what you would call a burp, nothing got on the page i was writing on im not totally sure what happened i just felt my finger kind of wet to look down and there was a blue mess, and upon further inspection there was more of a mess then i had realized

its a nice topaz though, would look good on light pink paper by the looks of it

hope your nights going well, as i myself am feeling a little blue
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Upon further inspection i lost a converter

$2012-09-18 21.56.29.jpg
and i washed out the body part and this gooey stuff came out the back and had black flakes in it
the stuff on outside of pen was sticky like, and the orangyness at the top, below the plunger is all goo,... it came off on my finger when i touched it
$2012-09-18 21.59.21.jpg

i washed it out good before changing the inks up too, guess not good enough
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Yikes.... looks like a bad seal on the converter. I would get a schmidt converter. The chinese ones have been known to do this every now and then.
i have a spare twist style one from my now dead jinhao that took a direct nib hit on a concrete floor
The top seal on that syringe filler probably gave up the ghost. Thats why the black flakes and the goo. Have you used Bay State Blue in that pen ??
Was it a new converter when you got it ??

Seemed to be,... nothing i could see lead me to believe otherwise, was clear and all,... was a bay china order though

but i have had it a while now,.. and its been filled twice with the parker and run dry without any problems untill tonight,... which was its second night with the topaz in it,.. just wrote three letters and even after it tossed its ink on me i finished the letter,...

but it did do some weird stuff in the second letter,...

wasnt till i was done and took it apart that i noticed the converter had gone wild
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OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Lol Legion, how long have you been hanging onto that link waiting for just the right time to bust it out,... that was awesome, and very appropriate

Haha. Actually your post just caused me to have a flashback to my childhood. I'd completely forgotten about that cartoon.
So Brian, would you think that was an Ink problem, or a converter problem, or kind of a ink problem inside a cheap converter problem, that a quality converter would have not had happen to it ?
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