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The Worst Burn Ever

Ive been DE shaving for almost 3 months and am now proficient with my routine and technique. However, today I had the WORST burn I have EVER experienced. It wasnt like a typical razor burn though. My entire face was itching like crazy and turned red and splotchy. I used the same products as always with the same routine. I was using a mild razor, SS flair tip, with a 2 shave old blade. I guess my lather was probably the suspect. Anyone else ever experienced this and what did you do about it?
Every once in a while, I get a severe reaction from using the same products I've used or have been using for a while. I haven't figured it out exactly what causes it, but I suspect it might just be the combination of product I used those times.
Do you have any after shave balm? I keep some around for the times that I push a blade "a shave too far" or I don't get my beard hydrated enough before shaving and light up a little bit.

This won't help you figure out what you did wrong but it sure helps out when you do foo bar up :001_smile
The Aqua Velva told me how bad the irritation was. I immediately reached for the Nivea Sensitive ASB. Didn't seem to help until a couple hours passed.
Get some pure Aloe Vera. Works great.
Or - this will sound weird - but Vaseline for Men Face Lotion works GREAT for razor burn - better than Nivea Sensitive - for me.
Ive been DE shaving for almost 3 months and am now proficient with my routine and technique. However, today I had the WORST burn I have EVER experienced. It wasnt like a typical razor burn though. My entire face was itching like crazy and turned red and splotchy. I used the same products as always with the same routine. I was using a mild razor, SS flair tip, with a 2 shave old blade. I guess my lather was probably the suspect. Anyone else ever experienced this and what did you do about it?
Did you change any product you are using? Soap/Cream/Aftershave?
Did you change any product you are using? Soap/Cream/Aftershave?

Everything was the same. Shower, St. Ives scrub, CWS using Gillette SS, Astra SP, Proraso White, 3 passes, finish with witch hazel and Aqua Velva. After my face was itching and red/splotchy I threw on some Nivea ASB.
Never had this happen before so I was thrown for a loop, honestly.
I keep a bottle of GFT Lime Skin Food around for shaves like this. I think it's the glycerin in it that helps quickly relieve the burn and redness.
Since you've eliminated the other suspects, was your face towel fresh from the laundry? Sometimes all the detergent doesn't rinse out.
This happpends to me to random sometimes, dont know why, But it does ruin your day and your confidence.
I would leave the St. Ives scrub To non-shave time,so if you shave in the morning use the scrub at night or viceversa.
IMHO bad razor burn usually means too much pressure. Try picking up a bottle of JoJOba oil to use after you've rinsed your face and then used witch hazel. Rub a few drops between your palms and rub it all over your face. It goes in quickly, doesn't have a smell, and won't be greasy. Its excellent for any body part, but is great for your face.
I already use witch hazel after every shave. And I highly doubt if I used too much pressure on my entire face.
i have never experienced that, but i would highly suggest you try some Unrefined Shea Butter to help with any further burn or irritation. Good luck.
i have never experienced that, but i would highly suggest you try some Unrefined Shea Butter to help with any further burn or irritation. Good luck.

I've seen a lot of people talk about unrefined Shea butter. Where can I buy it for a good price?
Sounds more like an allergic reaction than razor burn. The poster who asked about your face cloth or towel might be on to something. Washing machines leave lots of detergent and fabric softeners in the fabric after the rinse and spin cycles. If the burn was evenly distributed across your face the razor probably isn't the culprit. (How many of us shave our entire face at exactly the same blade angle and pressure?)

If you were using a brand new face cloth and/or towel that had never been washed your search for an answer may be over. Fabrics are often treated with chemicals to lessen wrinkling, fading, ya da, ya da. Reactions to these chemicals is not uncommon.

Sensitivity to chemicals can be cumulative. That is, you reach a tipping point where your body no longer tolerates a specific chemical compound and you have an allergic reaction. (Just like pollens and hay fever.)
If the burn was evenly distributed across your face the razor probably isn't the culprit. (How many of us shave our entire face at exactly the same blade angle and pressure?)

My point exactly. So other than the Shea butter, what else have you don't to help.
to cool razor burn I have used a wet facecloth that I keep wetting and holding against my neck until the heat has gone out of it. it only takes about 20mins of lying on the lounge feeling sorry for myself, then I apply some refrigerated Nivea Sensitive ASB and I'm 90% good.
Did you thoroughly rinse of any soap and hair, then pat the blade dry? Water wreaks havoc on blades, even after just a couple of uses.

I've started using an alum block. I didn't see what the fuss was about until I used one. I couldn't tell you the last time I had any kind of burn or uncomfortable reactions.
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