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The second shave with Any blade seems to be the best, is this just "in my head"

I have passed the 100 shave mark, with DE, and there has been something going on in my head since almost the begining.

Now, I have only used 8 different brands of blades, so, I still am very inexperienced with blades, and, I know that. But, it seems to me that The Second Use of any of the blades that I have tried is the best. Did I just get this in my head? Just curious if any of you have similar thoughts, or just as weird :laugh:thoughts.....

Just fyi, I Love Derbys, which, I know, many peeps Hate, but, my face likes them....(my styptic pencil HATES them). I have kept a blade-use diary since Thanksgiving. I was using blades for 4 shaves, then I backed off to 3, and, of course have had a few bad blades, and, I toss them right away.

Thanks for you input.
I definitely agree. The second shave with almost any blade is always the best. First is generally too sharp for me. Definitely could be in my head too, but perhaps it has something to do with the coating on the blades? Is there any empirical evidence that would explain why the second shave would be the best? ​
I often see the same thing, at least with Derby (the only blades I use). I've been using them for many years and they have always been like that...

- Randy
I have run across this, but it is more of an exception than a rule, IMHO. One case is the 7 O'clock Yellows - needs the first shave to quiet that little devil down a bit.
I stropped before I used my Derby for the first time....and, Feels Like The Second Time....(Thank you Foreigner :laugh:)
I don't notice this personally, but it does seem to be the consensus on all the shaving forums. Maybe the first shave dulls it slightly and therefore it is still sharp while being less rough.
I think by using a blade your removing small burrs and other imperfections the first time as an alternative you could try corking them
In most cases, I enjoy the second shave from a blade more than the first. If the second shave is worse than the first, it doesn't see a third.
I have seen this mentioned on the forum a number of times, and of course repeated in this thread. But I'm the odd man out, I guess. First is best for me, and second and third aren't bad. Fourth and fifth are ok. I haven't tried a sixth. I'm using Derby.
I was just thinking the same thing this morning! I used a Crystal blade for the first time yesterday and was thoroughly underwhelmed, having to do my first complete 3 pass shave ever just to get something resembling a BBS shave. Was seriously thinking about chucking the blade after that, but decided to give it a second shave this morning and was significantly better. BBS in 2 passes, and less irritation than yesterday. Almost every blade I've tried so far has seemed better/best on second shave, but this was the standout in this department.

I don't strongly disagree with you - I use exclusively Feathers, and the second shave seems just a little bit smoother, as opposed to sharper/closer, than the first.
On my open comb Cadet the second and many subsequent shaves are awesome with a sharp (to me) starter (Russian perma-sharp). Shark in the OC is good the first time going, but doesn't perform for near as long as the Perma-sharp.
The perma-sharp is great in the Progress from the get-go, but the Shark SS and Wilkinson Swords seem dull in it compared to how they do in the OC.
So: OC: anything is good 1-2 shaves, Perma-sharps beyond 2 shaves (1.5-2 weeks for me).
Progress: needs a sharp starting blade, the Perma-sharps definitely outperform the Shark SS and W/S by up to 6 vs 2 or 3.
To keep things trite: YMMV (depending on the razor/blade combination).
Something that is too mild in the closed shavers (mine is Sally's Shave Factory TTO) may be awesome in the OC for a crazy-long number of shaves.
Getting an adjustable helped me learn more about blade selection and range of practical use.
I've seen some posts where a gentle "stropping" on, e.g., denims is suggested before the first shave. And a number of Feather users suggest corking.
I don't think it's just in your head, the are some blades where this is for sure the case. Someone mentioned 7 O'Clock Yellows, I can second that.

The two blades I've found that are without a doubt smooth right from the first shave: Red Pack Israeli Personnas & Astra SP's.
This isn't the case here but I have noticed that the first two strokes can be rougher than the rest of a first shave. I try to shave my cheeks first where I don't usually get weepers or irritation anyway. My face is a two and out face -- if I attempt a third shave from my blades my face is full of weepers and irritation from that sin. Each shave is a two and a half pass shave in my case.
This was my experience with Derby's too

I felt like I had this will the 8 different blades that I have used.....I just settled on Derbys.

I think the hand-stropping, before the first use is doing the trick. :thumbup1:
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