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So I have finally started shaving with a DE this month, after wetshaving for 6 months with a cartridge. I'm all in and really like it, I managed to find a local 40's SS to add to the shaving cabinet..

Here is my question, in the next little while I would like to build my collection, here are the Razors I would like to add;

Blue Tip SS.
Flare Tip SS.
Red Tip SS.


Now I have been watching ebay and have even bid on a few but haven't really committed to outbidding anyone for them. Part of the problem is I am trying to figure out when prices are good and when prices get out of hand.

My other thought is to put this list into the WTB section and see what comes up, I would 100% rather deal with B&B members than ebays $500 fatboy types.

I guess I'm asking what your preferred methods of aquisition are?
Around my area its tough to spot any vintage razors because of lack of adequate antique stores and yard sales.... My best resource for acquiring razors has been BST for fair prices and every once in a while I've gotten a decent deal on ebay. You'll probably find as many cheap razors as you do overpriced ones on the bay, but if you have patience and perseverance you'll find the right ones, for fair prices. (this does not include the infamous ebay Fatboys and Toggles). My only advice for ebay is not to get to excited bidding on a razor, there will alwas be another chance at getting another one. Also, once you learn how to spot them, you'll be able to find them in auctions where they are not necessarily labeled as such, these are your best bets. That said, ebay is always a gamble as usually razors are not accurately described and the images suck. BST is your best bet. Just recently some NOS (new old stock) red tips and blue tips where sold for very reasonable prices. Just keep looking, and be patient. The hunt is part of the fun.
My preferred method is buying from members here. Also just browsing the B/S/T can give you a general idea of fair prices. That being said, the prices on B&B are usually under market value because of the generosity of members, but you can still get a ballpark idea.
Another good source for old DE razors are Flea Markets. I got an user grade 1948-1950 Aristocrat and 1938-1941 Fat Handle Tech one weekend for $10 and a couple of weekends ago I got a Suluna razor and Travel kit, unused, and a nearly unused Rocket for $20.
The Soluna has been used once now and its not for me, way too light.
My preferred method would be yard sales, flea markets and antique shops, but I live overseas and those things are not so common here.

I'd post a WTB for a particular razor on the BST and se who PMs you...and one at a time unless you want to buy them all at once!
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