What's new

* The official Gillette NEW: Made in England thread*

The Gillette NEW, what a great razor! There's so much information dotted around this site and the web, let's compile everything into one thread for the wiki! There's lots of gaps so if you've got any information to add/amend, need a question answered or just want show off your NEW post away! :001_cool:
I've split the English NEW up into 4 components. Head type, handle style, patent markings and sets. Hopefully it'll make things a bit easier. (no idea how the tables will look, they get dropped when you preview a thread)

Gillette introduced razors with the NEW head design in 1930 (or was it '29? Isn't the UK usually a year behind the US?) and continued to produce variants through out the mid '40s, long after the US.


(#77, #88 and 3 piece. Pic from Jake)



Image taken from Xillions collection.

Images taken from Mr-Razors collection

Head TypeDatesGuard
US style1929-1933(?)Long open comb (LOC)
NEW DeLuxe (Flat bottom fixed)1931-1935(?)Short or Long open comb (SOC/LOC)
Raised flat bottom1933-1945?Long open comb (LOC)
Raised flat bottom (Fixed)1933-1937Long open comb (LOC)
Twin | pin1933-1939?Long open comb (LOC)
Biased twin | pin1939-1945?Long open comb (LOC)
Small twin | pin1939-1945?Long open comb (LOC)
Round pinLate '40sLong open comb (LOC)
Zinc round pinLate '40sLong open comb (LOC)





Patent markings.DatesLocationNotes
BRIT PAT NOS, 133963-142772-2726291929-1931?Handle top or bottom
PATENT 133963, OTHER PATENTS PENDING1931-1933?Handle top or bottom
BRIT PAT NOS, 352975'6'7-3638921933-1939?Handle bottom
BRIT PAT NOS, 352975'6-3638921933-1939?Handle bottom
BRIT PAT NOS, 352975-3638921933-1939?Handle bottom
BRITISH PAT NUMBERS, 133963-142772-2726291929-1931?US style head (rare?)
BRITISH PAT NUMBERS, 352975-3638921933-1937?Raised head
None1933-1939?Raised head
BRITISH PAT NUMBER, 3638921939-1945?Raised head

Patent No.Filing DateIssue Date
GB352975Apr 15, 1930Jul 15, 1931
GB352976Apr 15, 1930Jul 15, 1931
GB352977Apr 15, 1930Jul 15, 1931
GB363892Feb 17, 1931Dec 31, 1931


I've split these up into US style, high end, two piece, pre war three piece and 40s/other sets.

Set NameSet NumberGuardTypeHead styleHandle stylePatent NumberPatent locationCaseMaterialsWeight (g)Link
Le Nouveau/US style three piece sets (1930-1933?)
Regent3LOC3 pieceUS styleBall endPatent 133963 - other patents pending or 33963-142772-27262?Bottom or top of handleGold plated brass~55http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1930 Regent England.JPG
Oxford5LOC3 pieceUS styleBall endPatent 133963 - other patents pending or 33963-142772-27262?Bottom or top of handleGold plated brass~55http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1930 Oxfort England.JPG
Empire-LOC3 pieceUS styleBall endPatent 133963 - other patents pending or 33963-142772-27262?Bottom or top of handleGold plated brass~55http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1930s Empire Set England.jpg
High end sets (1931-1936) These were replaced by the Aristcrate open comb TTO in 1936
Belmont DeLuxe-SOC/LCN?2 pieceFlat bottom (fixed)Large diamond (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleNickel plated brass with felt lining and one blade containerSilver plated brass77http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1935 Belmont 2-piece England.JPG
Belmont DeLuxe-SOC/LCN?2 pieceFlat bottom (fixed)Large diamond (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleNickel plated brass with felt lining and one blade containerGold plated brass77
Criterion Silver/DeLuxe6SOC/LCN?2 pieceFlat bottom (fixed)Large diamond (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleNickel plated brass with felt lining and one blade containerSilver plated brass77
Criterion Gold/DeLuxe6SOC/LCN?2 pieceFlat bottom (fixed)Large diamond (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleNickel plated brass with felt lining and one blade containerGold plated brass77
Belmont DeLuxe-SOC/LCN?3 pieceFlat bottom (fixed)Large diamond (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleNickel plated brass with felt lining and one blade containerSilver plated brass77http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1933 NEW Belmont England von Leon.jpg
Richwood Gold81LOC3 pieceRaised flat bottom (fixed)Large Standard (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleLarge woodGold plated brass??http://lh3.ggpht.com/_2Th9aKNRRTA/TTyPqcSFOXI/AAAAAAAAApI/0MjyjCdnBg4/s512/rich-0.jpg
Richwood Silver?LOC3 pieceRaised flat bottom (fixed)Large Standard (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleLarge woodSilver plated brass??http://badgerandblade.com/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=241779&d=1336352992
Mid range two piece sets (1933-1937) These were replaced by the Popular open comb TTO in 1938
Traveller4 or 00LOC2 pieceRaised flat bottom (fixed)Medium standard (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleTravel kitSilver plated brass~58http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1934 NEW Traveler No4.JPG
London10LOC2 pieceRaised flat bottom (fixed)Medium standard (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleBakelite case with two blade holders (brown, green colours)Silver plated brass~58http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1930s British NEW.jpg
-77LOC2 pieceRaised flat bottom (fixed)Medium standard (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleBakelite case with two blade holders (brown, green colours)Silver plated brass~58http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1933 NEW No77 Set England.JPG
-88LOC2 pieceRaised flat bottom (fixed)Medium standard (hollow end cap)352975-363892Bottom of handleNickel plated brass with lining and a hinged blade containerSilver plated brass~58http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1934 No88 England.JPG
Standard three piece sets (1933-1940)
Service Set-LOC3 pieceTwin pin/Raised head/Biased twin pinStandard/Ball endNone/363892Na/Raised headSmall tinNickel/Silver plated brass~50http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1930s French Service Set England.JPG
-25LOC3 pieceRaised headStandardNoneNaSmall Bakelite case (walnut brown)Nickel/Silver plated brass~50http://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/media/34471/full
-44LOC3 pieceRaised flat bottomBall end352975-363892Bottom of handleSmall lined, leatherette tin (red, blue, black and green colours)Nickel/Silver plated brass~55http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1934 NEW No44.JPG
-75LOC3 pieceRaised flat bottomBall end352975-363892Bottom of handleSmall cardboard/leatherette tin?Nickel/Silver plated brass~55http://badgerandblade.com/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=253035&d=1340532973
Jewellery set-LOC3 pieceRaised flat bottomBall end352975-363892Bottom of handleVarious designs (square/long rectangle) with cuff-linksSilver plated brass~55http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/The NEW/1930s NEW Jewelry Set England.JPG
Late NEW sets/Other brands
-77LOC3 pieceRa​ ised flat bottomThin Tech363892Raised headBakelite case with two blade holders (brown, green and black colours)Nickel plated brass
7 O’clock-LOC3 pieceTwin pin/Biased twin pinStandard (hollow end cap)NoneNaMedium metal (tin?)Nickel plated brass
Minora-LOC3 pieceRound pinStandard (closed end cap)NoneNaNickel plated brass with felt lining and blade containersNickel plated brass
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Well in music the UK sure isn't behind the US, thats for sure... Virtually an Island of Bards there! In any case, that's one hell of a compendium of Gillette New razors that you put together. Congratulations. Definitely looks official!
I'm sure I'll have more comments once I've gone through everything here a little more closely, but for now the one thing that jumps out at me is that what you're calling the "Flat bottom" head here is more commonly referred to as the NEW DeLuxe head.
I'm sure I'll have more comments once I've gone through everything here a little more closely, but for now the one thing that jumps out at me is that what you're calling the "Flat bottom" head here is more commonly referred to as the NEW DeLuxe head.

Got to it 1st...as always:wink2:
Great job. I can finally focus again after going through all the information you provided.
OK, going a little deeper here... Easy one first: At least the Criterion and very probably the Belmont were offered in gold as well as silver. I've got a gold, two-piece Criterion, so I can personally vouch for that one, and it just makes sense that the Belmont would have been available in gold, too, if the Criterion was.

Messier one second: You've got the British NEW patents a bit mucked up. Here are the ones I'm talking about:

Patent No.Filing DateIssue Date
GB352975Apr 15, 1930Jul 15, 1931
GB352976Apr 15, 1930Jul 15, 1931
GB352977Apr 15, 1930Jul 15, 1931
GB363892Feb 17, 1931Dec 31, 1931

When you see the variations of "352975-6-7" or "352975'6" and so on, that's referring to two or more of the first three patents above and is just abbreviating the repeated numbers since the patents are sequential. I don't believe I've ever seen anything hanging off the later 363892 patent like you've got above, and I'm betting, if you took them from somewhere else, those were just someone making a mistake typing the numbers out.

It might be easier if we just set up a new wiki page for this information so we can edit a common pool of content. I'm sort of surprised that we don't seem to have a British NEW page already... I'll do it in the morning when I'm on my real computer if someone doesn't beat me to it before then.
Thanks MacDadddy, a wiki would be perfect (I'm useless at this sort of thing)

Yep, there was a typo on the patents, doh. Sequential numbering is only on 352975. Would a razor with 352975'6'7 come before 352975'6 if they were issued at the same time? Did it become less relevant as 352977 was a blade feature?

A gold two-piece Criterion? Wow!

You have put together a wealth of information.

Not me, just trawling through existing B&B posts looking at everyone's nice collections. :thumbup:
Thanks MacDadddy, a wiki would be perfect (I'm useless at this sort of thing)

OK, I'll get something set up for us.

Yep, there was a typo on the patents, doh. Sequential numbering is only on 352975. Would a razor with 352975'6'7 come before 352975'6 if they were issued at the same time? Did it become less relevant as 352977 was a blade feature?

That was something I conjectured here in this thread, but I don't think we really have any evidence one way or another.

A gold two-piece Criterion? Wow!

Here you go. I grabbed a quick family portrait for you:


Incidentally, it's also entirely possible that the Richwood came in a two-piece version as well as the three-piece one like the Criterion/Belmont did. Berkin found this two-piece example here in a Richwood case a while back. One possible explanation for the whole two-piece handle is that it was a design change that Gillette brought over at some point during the NEW lifecycle from their acquisition of the German company Roth-Büchner who owned the Rotbart brand, which had a very similar two-piece handle. I'm not 100% certain of the chronology there -- that Rotbart definitively had the handle style before these Gillettes -- but the acquisition itself happened in 1926, and there are plenty of examples of Rotbart/Gillette cross-over models. And mechanically speaking, the notion of the crimp in the handle to hold the inner barrel inside the handle leads in a straight line to Gillette's TTO design.
http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Category:Gillette_NEW_Razors already has some USA patent info and other general information about this family of razors. Adding UK patents etc would make sense to me.

Hmm... Good point. I was picturing adding a page under the English subsection here. That whole section really just needs to be overhauled. I think we should reorder it so that the razors are grouped first by generation (Old Type, New Improved, etc.) and then the specific razor/set pages under those categories can discuss any variations by country of origin -- American Belmont vs. British Belmont, for example.
Safety Razor Database is a mess. Rather than overhauling it, we have been thinking about replacing the whole thing with a redirect to http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Category:Safety_Razors - where there are already subcategories for the various families of razor designs. We could add country-based categories to that.

That "index" style presentation is fine if you're looking to jump straight to a particular thing (and happen to know how what you're looking for was titled), but it would still be helpful to have a "table of contents" style presentation that would give you the context of the hierarchy of the different generations, which is what the Safety Razor Database is failing at right now.
That "index" style presentation is fine if you're looking to jump straight to a particular thing (and happen to know how what you're looking for was titled), but it would still be helpful to have a "table of contents" style presentation that would give you the context of the hierarchy of the different generations, which is what the Safety Razor Database is failing at right now.

Achim has his data in this fashion.

1903... Old Type

1921... New Improved

1929... The NEW

1931... The Goodwill

1938... The Tech

1934... One-Piece open comb

1940... One-Piece solid guard bar

1956... Adjustable

This makes his site easy for us to use. BTW: Thanks Achim.

This could make a good start for what Porter is discussing for the Safety Razor Database for the Gillette section.
Achim has his data in this fashion.

1903... Old Type

1921... New Improved

1929... The NEW

1931... The Goodwill

1938... The Tech

1934... One-Piece open comb

1940... One-Piece solid guard bar

1956... Adjustable

This makes his site easy for us to use. BTW: Thanks Achim.

This could make a good start for what Porter is discussing for the Safety Razor Database for the Gillette section.
I agree, less clutter, easy ,fun to navigate and simple too.
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