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The noob's list of questions.


Thanks in advance for your consideration, and tolerance of my noobish questions. Out of a desire for a better shave, I've taken the plunge and got myself a Merkur 180, some Feather blades, and a tube of TOBS Jermyn St (waiting on a tub of the Jermyn St cream now). Happily, I've found that a pharmacy 3 blocks from my office in NY sells TOBS products. Plus, I'm in London a few times a year, so if I decide to stick with TOBS, I'll stock up there. On to the questions.

  1. Brush - from what I've been reading, not to mention the name of this site, I appear to want badger and not boar. Suggestions for a noob's badger brush that's not going to fall apart (like the Tweezerman one for $9 on Amazon), but not cost upwards of $100?
  2. Shaves per blade - I like the Feather blades I've already got. Is 10 shaves on a blade reasonable?
  3. Blades when traveling - TSA says no in carry-ons, correct? I'm happy with the Feather blades, so I'll pick up a pack at my destination, or for longer trips, no big deal - in checked bags.
  4. Pre-shave oils, etc. - I shave straight out of the shower. My understanding is that these are used to soften up the beard. Seems redundant if I'm coming right out of a hot shower. Fair statement?
  5. Aftershave - should I be consistent with what I'm shaving with, or is using something else going to be like mixing tequila with red wine (i.e. bad)?

Thus far, I've managed to not slice off bits of my face, and my wife is very into the scent left behind by the Jermyn St product.

Teach me, wise ones. Thanks all for your guidance.
Welcome aboard, and much of this is really personal preferences... but here's my answers from my opinions... lol

1. Don't let the site name fool you, while badgers are indeed great brushes, quality boar brushes can be just as great, and get a lot of fans from the members here. Some of the choice even depends on what you prefer for soaps/creams, to some extent, as to what works best. I use pretty much exclusively boar brushes now, with Semogue 620 and the Semogue 830 being my top picks. I'll let others suggest badgers in your price range.

2. With blades being cheap, and my face not liking them after too many shaves per blade, I toss mine after 3-4 shaves on it. If you can get 10 comfortable per blade, that's great that works for you, go with it.

3. Picking blades up at a destination may or may not be easy. They aren't always available in many general stores. Most recommend mailing a few ahead to where you are staying, checking your bags so you can bring blades, or revert back to a low blade count disposable for traveling.

4. Pre-shave oils are really just a choice of preference. Some find they help with prepping for shaving, others just like the addition to a relaxing shave ritual, and many others see no point to them and don't use them at all. If you aren't using any, and aren't having any issues, and like the stage you are at, then maybe you've no use for a pre-shave oil. Only you know the answer to that one.

5. Generally the scent of creams/soaps fade off more than enough once you rinse your face after a shave that it's rare for it to clash with an AS. While many like to match AS to the soap/cream, lots of us don't, and I've never noticed any clashing of scents in the end.
Welcome aboard, and much of this is really personal preferences... but here's my answers from my opinions... lol

1. Don't let the site name fool you, while badgers are indeed great brushes, quality boar brushes can be just as great, and get a lot of fans from the members here. Some of the choice even depends on what you prefer for soaps/creams, to some extent, as to what works best. I use pretty much exclusively boar brushes now, with Semogue 620 and the Semogue 830 being my top picks. I'll let others suggest badgers in your price range.

2. With blades being cheap, and my face not liking them after too many shaves per blade, I toss mine after 3-4 shaves on it. If you can get 10 comfortable per blade, that's great that works for you, go with it.

3. Picking blades up at a destination may or may not be easy. They aren't always available in many general stores. Most recommend mailing a few ahead to where you are staying, checking your bags so you can bring blades, or revert back to a low blade count disposable for traveling.

4. Pre-shave oils are really just a choice of preference. Some find they help with prepping for shaving, others just like the addition to a relaxing shave ritual, and many others see no point to them and don't use them at all. If you aren't using any, and aren't having any issues, and like the stage you are at, then maybe you've no use for a pre-shave oil. Only you know the answer to that one.

5. Generally the scent of creams/soaps fade off more than enough once you rinse your face after a shave that it's rare for it to clash with an AS. While many like to match AS to the soap/cream, lots of us don't, and I've never noticed any clashing of scents in the end.

+1 on all of this.

  1. Brush - I'm presently using a Semogue 830 as well. I am noticing that the brush is really eating a lot of Proraso Soap lately. I've been guilty of wasting product lately :(
  2. Shaves per blade - 10 shaves is very good. Like Shave Rat, said. If you have success with it, then don't stop.
  3. Blades when traveling - Haven't tried it yet.
  4. Pre-shave oils, etc. - I shave immediately after showering as well. I actually lather up first and then brush my teeth. Giving the soap/cream a couple minutes to absorb.
  5. Aftershave - I say mix it up. You'll find that there are many many different types of after shaves / lotions / balms / etc.
1. Brush - I get best lather from Badger hands down. I started with a boar, and I never use it now. I will recommend anything with a TGN two band knot. I have also just bought a Whipped Dog Silvertip and am in three shaves, so I cannot vouch for its longevity yet.
2. Shaves per blade - I find Feathers (and others) are good for 4 then I start getting some trouble. I have no issues tossing after four, it owes me no more.
3. I never travel.
4. Pre-shave oils etc. - They do nothing for me and I consider them a waste of money.
5. Aftershave - Variety is the spice of life!
1. There a number of good badgers, boars, horse, mixed brushes in this region. I like the boars by omega and semogue.
2. Shave till it tugs, sometimes this is as soon as it comes out the paper, some times 3-5 shaves later. Usually 2-3 3 pass shaves
3. http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Category:Shopping_by_Country might be useful to you. If you can locate a local dealer, great. A lot of others travel with single or double bladed disposables or carts.
4. What ever you like, a little conditioner works fine for me.
5. Aftershave : I roll my own.
Just a note on pre-shave oil. After nearly a year and a half into DE Shaving, I tried Art of Shaving's pre-shave. I've been using it less than 2 weeks, but at this point, I'm a fan. The sales guy said it is to protect your skin, rather than softening the beard. I find it really helps in that regard. A side benefit--it is good for my skin. My skin has really improved since I went from canned gel to soaps and creams, witch hazel, and Nivea A/S balm. The pre-shave oil took it up one more notch.

I want to wait another week or so before I do a proper review.

Note: the stuff is outrageously expensive, given you can make your own for about a tenth of the price. See the shave-wiki for recipes.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Welcome to B&B!

Simpson makes some well reviewed brushes (case, Berkeley, etc.) for around $50. I suspect if you spend some time reading the brush forum you'll get a sense of what you might like. A nice boar can be had for less, but I wouldn't want to go to cheap on a badger.

Shaves per blade: whatever works. If it's not giving you a bad shave (razor burn, pulling) you should be fine. 10 - lucky man! I get 7 from a Med Prep, but 3-4 from most other blades. You'll know when you've gone one too far and you will never want to do it again.

Some people mail blades to their destination when traveling. I don't know if you will find your Feathers everywhere you go, but I guess you'll find out. You should find some blades. (Oh good, an adventure)

Pre-shave did nothing for me, but it does work for others. I think you'll have to try it for yourself.

My wife likes lime scents. The first time I shaved with Castle Forbes Lime cream the bathroom was filled with the wonderful scent of lime. I was excited to share my good fortune with SWMBO and immediately after the shave had her sample it. She put her nose on my cheek and told me it smelled like soap. Oh well. So no, it doesn't matter if your cream matches your after shave.
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