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The new G12 Shave scuttles are ready

I did not know where else to put this. I just ordered the new size G12 shaving scuttle from Georgetown pottery. This sounds like a great size. I have never used a scuttle like this before so I am excited to try one out. She said they have already sold 4 so I was not the 1st. Has anyone here received the new size and do you like it? I do not have anything to compare it to so hopefully it will work for me. I am so glad I found this forum because I never would have even thought of a scuttle like this. The early 2oth century or late 19th century “scuttle” that I currently have could not really be considered something to develop a lather in. It only holds ½ of a puck. It seems to be more of a container to store a brush in and it definitely does not look very masculine. Thanks. David
I am sorry I did not look at this thread in few hours. The G12 is not on their web site yet. I have been calling for the past couple of weeks and they finally said they have a few of them in stock. I ordered it over the phone and gave them my credit card. I paid $50.00 + $11.00 for shipping to Texas with a total cost of $61.00. The quality looks great so that price seems fair. Just think, if I had never found you guys I would have thought wet shaving was dead. David
Never used a scuttle before ... But 45 seems to be a better price point. They do look nice and better looking than the gauty one I saw at the antique mall the other day.
I purchased the Hamada and Blue. When I talked to her, the only one she did not have in stock was the Purple and Hamada.
Has anyone received their G12 and have thoughts on it's performance they can share? I have a G5 that i use exclusively as a shaving mug due to its problems retaining heat. I do like it's size and appearance though.. so I'm considering an upgrade to the similarly sized G12. It really sounds like the perfect scuttle to me.
I ordered a G12 today. When I receive it, I'll let you know how it performs. It sounds like the ideal scuttle to me too.
I have a G12 and I love it. It keeps the soap nice and warm. My only minor complaint is the bottom of the unit was very rough. So I took a piece of emery cloth and used it on it. Now it's smooth as silk. Very nice piece.

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