The Morning Rush - 1942
Mar 2, 2013 Thread starter #6 jb4647 ironfist said: Fantastic! Thanks for sharing, where did you find this?? Click to expand... Scanned an old Life Mag article about war rationing at the start of WWII. Can you imaging blade rationing? Holy crap!
ironfist said: Fantastic! Thanks for sharing, where did you find this?? Click to expand... Scanned an old Life Mag article about war rationing at the start of WWII. Can you imaging blade rationing? Holy crap!
Mar 2, 2013 #8 Wulfster ironfist said: I wonder if they shared the water Click to expand... Dad talks about their baths as a kid. 4 kids and they shared bath water for one bath a week (on Saturday nights). They went from youngest to oldest.
ironfist said: I wonder if they shared the water Click to expand... Dad talks about their baths as a kid. 4 kids and they shared bath water for one bath a week (on Saturday nights). They went from youngest to oldest.