Sticks of IM arrived from Mark at Superlather today. I bet y'all can guess how my SOTD will read tomorrow.
Sticks of IM arrived from Mark at Superlather today. I bet y'all can guess how my SOTD will read tomorrow.
Most over rated product I have tried so far.
Most over rated product I have tried so far.
is it over rated? do you prefer a glycerin soap?
Most over rated product I have tried so far.
I am looking forward to validating or disputing that tomorrow.
I got mine yesterday and used it this morning. I wouldn't say I love it, but I definitely like it. The scent is a pleasant and quite strong "Irish Spring" soap smell. It lathered and performed very well, giving a DFS. I will happily add it to my rotation.
That's the thing right there, I wouldn't say I loved it either and I found the smell odd compared to majority of shaving creams and soaps I have used. I would rather save myself the money and get La Toja or Valobra sticks.
Most over rated product I have tried so far.
I find Moos to be one of the best soaps I have tried to date.
classic case of YMMV...I'm indifferent towards Moos.
....... I also have Palmolive, Valobra and Speick in the rotation and love them all.