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The Micromatic family

The first one, the open comb, hit the stores around 1930, the Clog-pruf around 194o and the Flying Wing in 1947-48.

A lot of good info on the Micromatics can be found HERE
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I'd say the MicroMatics are RAD Killers except once you try one, not only do you want them all, you tend to snag a few extras, because you never know when you might need them.

I used the Clog-pruf today and got a BBS shave with two passes. It was close, smooth, comfortable, and I know from previous experience that it will be long lasting. Five O'Clock Shadow is a thing of the past.
Great Clog-pruf and 5 o'clock shadow ad.

I had a first shave today with the bullet-tip. With a carbon blade it was very close borderline harsh. With the OCMM you get a fair warning about how aggresssive it is just by looking at it...
I think a stainless blade might have been a better choice for me. Next is the clog-proof awaiting ...
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