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The Metric System


I’m stumped
Some training wheels for the transition gents.

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As some one born before metrication here in the UK, it just arrived in schools over night or so it seemed. One day the books were imperial measurements the next metric. So I grew up using both sets. The only two that really get my gears going is litres especially for fuel and the other is the damn centilitre.

So fuel companies use the litre to show you how cheap their product is but forget to say that it's roughly 4.25 times more expensive for a gallon. Then what's the point of writing 770millilitires as 77centilitres?

Saying that I have had to buy new spanners and sockets to work on my old doge and jeep. It's seems to me that while they are metric sizes they're US versions of metric so imperial fits better than metric on a lot of stuff.

I don't use Fahrenheit as I was born in Germany and my parents never used it.


I’m stumped
As a resident of canada, I've never seen a tape measure that didn't have both units on it.

That was my observations here as well until I bought a new tape measure a few years ago and it was metric only.

So, the hash mark between 1 and 2 equals 26 feet?

No the 26 inches in red is the total length of the tape measure. The top is in inches and the bottom in cm.
Metric is a fad - plain and simple. Hands, feet, rods, cables, furlongs, bushels, pecks, butt loads (actually a measure), are waaaaayyyyy more user friendly.

This. So what if a few more countries have jumped on the bandwagon? It won't last.

And I think we should end this silly "cent" experiment our forefathers started and just say the dollar is divided into 8 bits and be done with any multiples of 10.

New U.S. currency:
$1=8 bits
1 bit=12 pennies
1 penny=2 hapneys
1 hapney=2 farthings

This way, for something that now costs $5.98, under this new system you'd fork over a $5 bill + 3x2-bit coins + a bit coin + 7xpenny coins + a hapney. What could be simpler? Instead of confusing $5.98 price tags, we'd instead have price tags that read $ Financial transactions would thus become smoother and more enjoyable for all involved.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Anyone who thinks we faked the lunar landing, I have 3 words- Remember the USSR? They were tracking us the whole way there (ridiculously easy to do). Had we faked it, they would have been screaming blue bloody murder, and would not have abandoned the race. Oh, and I would recommend not calling Buzz Aldrin a liar to his face :biggrin:


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Anyone who thinks we faked the lunar landing, I have 3 words- Remember the USSR? They were tracking us the whole way there (ridiculously easy to do). Had we faked it, they would have been screaming blue bloody murder, and would not have abandoned the race. Oh, and I would recommend not calling Buzz Aldrin a liar to his face :biggrin:

But they were tracking it in metric, so ... you know ... :001_rolle
The metric system never really caught on in the United States except for the ever increasing popularity of the 9mm bullet.

And say what you like about recreational drugs, they taught an entire generation of Americans the metric system.
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