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The Manchurian Candidate ; Simpsons ? (Poll)

Which Simpsons would you like to own with Manchurian badger ?

  • Beaufort or Berkeley

  • Case or Chubby

  • Classic or Colonel XL2

  • Commodore or Duke

  • Eagle or Emperor

  • Fifty Series or Harvard

  • Key Hole or Major

  • Milk Churn or Persian Jar

  • Polo or Special

  • Tulip or Wee Scott

  • other

  • none of the above

Results are only viewable after voting.
There are more brushes than number of poll listing options so that's why I posted this way .
I plan to post a follow up poll(s)
In agreement with what a friend said to me during an earlier conversation, I think the Manchurian works at it's best with a taller loft.

So I am going for my favourite one to date, the Langness.

None... everything I heard so far suggests Manchurian is too scritchy for my taste and WAY overpriced... So I will stay with super soft 2 band and that 's it...
German, any interest in perhaps trying one? I could maybe be persuaded to send one your way to try out.

My favorite Simpson knot is the 2 band as well but the manchurians were definitely not as harsh as many made them out to be.
Do not tempt me...:scared:
German, any interest in perhaps trying one? I could maybe be persuaded to send one your way to try out.

My favorite Simpson knot is the 2 band as well but the manchurians were definitely not as harsh as many made them out to be.
In part 2 of the poll I'll ask for the winner of part 1 , which size .
In part 3 I'll ask which color handle .
Not a huge Simpson fan as I've had issues with shedders and epoxy leakers, but I voted none of the above as I prefer their Best grade...awesome hair for the price.
In my opinion Manchurian is over-hyped and priced..as are Simpson LE's..but to each their own as they say.
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