Been straight shaving for not quite three weeks and, as expected, have cut up the poor man's strop I got from Larry pretty badly in the first week and a half. I sanded down the nicks and oiled it up again and it's working fine (I think), but my stropping technique turned a corner and now it's coming much more naturally and there's been no nicking of the leather for the past week. I'm not ready for one of the high end TM or Kanayama strops as I'm sure there are plenty of nicks left in me, but would like to go up a step from what I have now.
What are my choices?
Been straight shaving for not quite three weeks and, as expected, have cut up the poor man's strop I got from Larry pretty badly in the first week and a half. I sanded down the nicks and oiled it up again and it's working fine (I think), but my stropping technique turned a corner and now it's coming much more naturally and there's been no nicking of the leather for the past week. I'm not ready for one of the high end TM or Kanayama strops as I'm sure there are plenty of nicks left in me, but would like to go up a step from what I have now.
What are my choices?