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The logical next Strop?


Been straight shaving for not quite three weeks and, as expected, have cut up the poor man's strop I got from Larry pretty badly in the first week and a half. I sanded down the nicks and oiled it up again and it's working fine (I think), but my stropping technique turned a corner and now it's coming much more naturally and there's been no nicking of the leather for the past week. I'm not ready for one of the high end TM or Kanayama strops as I'm sure there are plenty of nicks left in me, but would like to go up a step from what I have now.

What are my choices?
IMO a great "intermediate" strop is the "Bid Daddy" English Bridle 3" strop by StarShaving. Thinking my nicking days were behind me, I ordered a Big Daddy and was very impressed at the quality for the price. Unfortunately I ended up nicking that one as well (d'oh!!), but it served me well for a long time..I still use it & just stay away from the nicked parts.
Considered by some to not be the be all and end all of strops, but I like my Latigo! Yes I nicked it a time or two, but a neet thing about latigo is if you do get a nick, as long as it isn't bad you can sand it out easily and just keep stroping


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
A TM strop with the practice strop option is hard to beat- it's the best of both worlds.


I got moves like Jagger
I have both the Big Daddy and a Bridle/Latigo paddlestrop from Star Shaving. Prices are great and the products are top notch.
A TM strop with the practice strop option is hard to beat- it's the best of both worlds.

That was my first choice initially, but according to his website, Tony won't be able to get back to the shop from an injury until Feb or even March.

IMO a great "intermediate" strop is the "Bid Daddy" English Bridle 3" strop by StarShaving. Thinking my nicking days were behind me, I ordered a Big Daddy and was very impressed at the quality for the price. Unfortunately I ended up nicking that one as well (d'oh!!), but it served me well for a long time..I still use it & just stay away from the nicked parts.

Thanks. Going to check these out.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I'd still wait for the TM. A few years back, one would have to wait over a year to be able to get a TM. I waited almost two years at one point, and it was worth it.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I'd still wait for the TM. A few years back, one would have to wait over a year to be able to get a TM. I waited almost two years at one point, and it was worth it.

This is true. When I first started Tony had actually retired and no strops were being made ever again. I really wanted one, however, so I kept watching his site like a hawk. Lo and behold one day he made some latigo practice strops so I got one. I kept watching...then he started up again and now 2 years later I think I have six Tony Miller strops of varying leathers.

I am rambling if course, but I would make do with your whipped dog for now until Tony is better. They really are a lifetime strop IMO.
I'd still wait for the TM. A few years back, one would have to wait over a year to be able to get a TM. I waited almost two years at one point, and it was worth it.

This is true. When I first started Tony had actually retired and no strops were being made ever again. I really wanted one, however, so I kept watching his site like a hawk. Lo and behold one day he made some latigo practice strops so I got one. I kept watching...then he started up again and now 2 years later I think I have six Tony Miller strops of varying leathers.

I am rambling if course, but I would make do with your whipped dog for now until Tony is better. They really are a lifetime strop IMO.

The real answer is:

I'll get both!
Wise man! You fit in perfectly around here :lol:


All good teachers here. It is almost time for me to leave the temple.
RupRazor has some nice options too, for a little less. Ken is a good guy to work with if he's still operating. Plus, you get like a mile of leather.
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