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The Joy of Shaving

Ok, so which banana brand do you recommend: Chiquita, Del Monte, Dole?
Do I order it from Brazil, Costa Rica, or Panama? I rather not get it from China.
And how do you get the blade to stick?

Hey, I like it!!!:thumbup1: Get both a shave and my supply of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C & Potasssium


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I posted that in the mod forum last week, and didn't get a single response. :blink:
This video made YouTube's front page "Featured Videos" section. And YouTube, bless their little hearts, have a "related videos" section on the page the video plays on...which happened to include a bunch of my videos. I definitely caught some of the "fallout"--I have a pack of new comments on many of my videos, a bunch of new subscribers (1178 now), and about 1,000 more video views than usual last week. :cool:

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