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The Ipad Killer


I need a flea bath
OK I may get strung up by my heals for saying this........but I just bought an Asus Transformer Pad TF300T. So far it is impressing the hell out of me. I am still learning all it can do but I am quite impressed with the power of the quad core processor and Ice Cream Sandwich.

I did a bit of work on it today, I was able to sync my work e-mail no problem. It edits Microsoft docs flawlessly with Polaris Office. I am going to work on connecting to the exchange server tomorrow night.

It is 32GB with a micro SD slot on the tablet, and since I bought the docking station as well that has a Macro SD slot. That is a lot of expandable memory. It has a full size USB slot on the docking station as well. It basically makes it a tablet netbook.

The Ipad killer may be a bit of a stretch but for a person like me who is not a big Apple fan, this has the makings of one hell of an Android tablet.

I would like to hear what some of the rest of you guys think.
I'm not a big apple fan and I'm looking at tablets in order to get one in the next two months. I'll be interested in this thread.
I have the older Asus tablet and its wonderful esp with the mini HDMI connector
it was $400 with dock and 32GB expandable via Micro and SDHC
Its such a beast with ice cream sandwich as well
Android tablets sometimes have better internal hardware, but Apple definitely has the edge when it comes to software. There are many exclusive apps for the iPad and the apps that both systems share, the iPad version will be more polished. However, if you're in the market for a new tablet I would wait and see how the new Microsoft Surface tablets turn out, they sound pretty incredible.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
How many iPad and iPhone killers have come and gone? Both are still here.
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I love my iPad.
why? It just works.
simple and easy.

However, i have heard from many people that the ASUS tablet is very good.
the only problem is, you have to want android.
i don't.
I've pre-ordered the Nexus 7. I've tried several 10 inch tablets at work, iPad included, and have come to the conclusion that I don't like the form factor, I've never found a comfortable way to hold one. I think the Nexus being smaller and lighter will be more comfortable to use, and more easily portable. In fact it's roughly the same size as my Kindle.

FWIW, I don't think that there is any such thing as an iPad killer. People who buy iPads do so because they want an iPad, not because they want a tablet. I'm buying an Android tablet because I don't want an iPad. I think both platforms can co-exist to suit different people's needs.
I've got the Asus Transformer TF101 and I love it. I am an unashamed Android fan though. I've also got a 7" Samsung Galaxy tab and a HTC Desire phone which both als run Android.
I just bought an iPad 3 yesterday so I hope that Apple continues to support it despite it's impending doom :thumbup:

The only tablet that will be serious competition for the iPad IMO is the Google Nexus and thats due to the very flexible price point. I'll be curious to see how long it is before it's available in 32GB and 64GB flavors as well and how those prices compare to the iPad versions. I'll end up getting one just to see how they work. To me, the whole draw of an Android Tablet was to get my Gmail faster than on an iOS device. Once Gmail was able to be setup as an Exchange type email where emails are pushed to a non Android device instantly, Android became largely worthless to me. I've owned 2 Samsung Tablets, an Asus, and 2 Acer Iconias and sold them all within a short time of getting them. They're just not worth what they cost to me

Google has spread themselves far too thin as far as Android goes. You have higher end tablets (such as the Galaxy, etc) and most folks have a great experience with them. The thing that hurts Google is licensing the OS on very low end tablets and phones (Coby, Pandigital, etc). These devices are total junk, but the majority of Americans will buy one of the cheap tablets due to the price point and become disenfranchised and dissatisfied with the Android Experience and completely write Android off. Had Google licensed the Android OS to just high end manufacturers (Samsung, Asus, etc) , then Android Tablets would be even more successful than they are.

I'll be curious to see how the Microsoft Tablets do as well.
I love my iPad.
why? It just works.
simple and easy.

However, i have heard from many people that the ASUS tablet is very good.
the only problem is, you have to want android.
i don't.

That's the problem with Apple as well, isn't it? To me buying an Apple product seems like joining a cult. I don't want to join a cult.

I have an Android phone and tablet. They too just work.
I have been giving some thought lately to getting a Blackberry Playbook. Thoughts? Comments?


Um, it is possible you are being facetious, but RIM is going down. So, I would put off any plans to buy BlackBerry. This is coming from someone who likes my BlackBerry Storm phone.
Here's the thing. There are two types of people regarding this type of technology. Those that want to tinker/configure/upgrade etc and those that just want the device to work out of the box and do many things well without messing with it.

The former prefers Android (previously Windows) and the later prefers Apple.

My days of 'tinkering' with a device are done. I moved from a Windows machine to an Mac Pro two years ago and to an ipad & iphone last year. Both "just work" with no need to configure much.

The reason why there are no "ipad killers" is that most of the population doesn't want to tinker and configure, they just want to use the device to achive a certain goal and want the path of least resistance. Doesn't mean they are lazy or "fanboys" it just means that they got alot of other stuff that they need to worry about in their life and the last thing they want to do is fidget with a device.

Now I get that there are certain people that want to tinker and configure for that sake alone. When I was a kid never could get into building model cars....never had the patience.....I just wanted to play with the car. Thus, I skipped the model cars and just bought a already assembled toy car. Done.
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