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The Gunkinator - When Soap Goes Bad

Hey I know you've all seen enough gunked up razors but i just had to share these pics from one I was cleaning, it was to disgusting not to.

I had boiled it, soaked it in Simple green (4 hours) and soap scum remover and put it in the ultrasonic but nothing worked and the whole mechanism wouldn't budge. 3 hours later I modified a tube from the can of WD-40 so I could insert it into the top and power flush, something started to happen and then it went into the ultrasonic again...holy cow it was like an Icelandic Volcano was erupting and it was just oozing from all the pores. The water in the cleaner went so cloudy I couldn't see the razor (so what you see must only be a small part of what was in there) and I had to change it for every cycle :ohmy::ohmy: :w00t::w00t:

I repeated the flushing procedure 6 times, these are pics from round 3 & 4 in the ultrasonic. It just didn't stop, how much soap can one razor handle !!!
I don't know, I'm sure the entire handle was completely filled with soap gunk. It's all good now though, nice and smooth, no squeaking, closes tight. Is an F2 so I could take it apart if I make the tool or find that post on how to do it.

Paint on dial now about 50-75%, 3 is missing and one dot.
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