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The Gem 1912, greatest of all time?

I know that the 1912 is highly regarded as probably the greatest se razor ever made but could this little slice of heaven be considered the greatest razor of all time?:jump: I'll leave you all with that to discuss.
I know that the 1912 is highly regarded as probably the greatest se razor ever made but could this little slice of heaven be considered the greatest razor of all time?:jump: I'll leave you all with that to discuss.

Having used just about all GEM's made (haven't used a Contour II, a Featherweight or one of the really old lather catchers).. I can say no sir, I don't like the 1912. Just doesn't feel right in my hand. I'm partial to the Flying Wing and the Contour, both very recent acquisitions of mine and both loved.
Having used just about all GEM's made (haven't used a Contour II, a Featherweight or one of the really old lather catchers).. I can say no sir, I don't like the 1912. Just doesn't feel right in my hand. I'm partial to the Flying Wing and the Contour, both very recent acquisitions of mine and both loved.

An se shaver who doesn't like the 1912 :001_huh:, well I guess there's a first for everything.
So far the 1912 design is my favorite SE, but the only other SE I have is an open comb micromatic, so....
I had a 1912 for 2 years and was always to scared to use it because it looked like it would carve me up and then a couple months ago I gave it a shot and I loved it. It has consistently given me a perfect shave ever since. And now I own several Gems with the 1912 head.:thumbup:
Having used just about all GEM's made (haven't used a Contour II, a Featherweight or one of the really old lather catchers).. I can say no sir, I don't like the 1912. Just doesn't feel right in my hand. I'm partial to the Flying Wing and the Contour, both very recent acquisitions of mine and both loved.

An se shaver who doesn't like the 1912 :001_huh:, well I guess there's a first for everything.

"Hand Feel" is an important parameter that is often overlooked and under considered. For me, Gillette New and Tech razors both shave better using a "bar" handle, rather than the more slender ball-end. Since the 1912 head exists with different handles, one handle could feel better than another.

IMHO, the Gem 1912 was the best shaver ever made, and even the finest Gillette does not compare. Through advertising and WWI government contracts, Gillette was able to achieve and maintain their top position in market share. If equal exposure and marketing efforts had been utilized for Gem, they would have displaced Gillette with their superior product.

Long live the 1912!!
"Hand Feel" is an important parameter that is often overlooked and under considered. For me, Gillette New and Tech razors both shave better using a "bar" handle, rather than the more slender ball-end. Since the 1912 head exists with different handles, one handle could feel better than another.

IMHO, the Gem 1912 was the best shaver ever made, and even the finest Gillette does not compare. Through advertising and WWI government contracts, Gillette was able to achieve and maintain their top position in market share. If equal exposure and marketing efforts had been utilized for Gem, they would have displaced Gillette with their superior product.

Long live the 1912!!


The Gem 1912 beats every other DE or SE razor I have for shave quality. I don't use it that often, but it gives me the best shave I've ever had short of a straight.
For me it is, shaves as close as str8t.

It's because you've got skin like
I picked up an excellent condition Damaskeene model a few months ago and would proclaim the slightly rounded head on the earliest models makes them the greatest of the great, if the 1912 is declared the champion.

A possible opponent to throw in the ring to do battle with the 1912 for the title of Greatest Of All Time might be the E or G type Schick injector.


Self Ignored by Vista
Used a 1914 Ever Ready today for the first time (thanks Tom!). While shaving it SEEMED to be a bit less aggressive than my 1912 Damaskeene, but when I finished, the shave was every bit as good as the 1912. Although it did seem to be a bit easier to J hook under the jaw line with the 1914.

And then there's the 1901 Ever Ready Lather Catcher that is superb. Of the few SEs that I've tried these three are so close that they might just tie.

Then closely following, for me, would be the ER 1924 and the Gem Micromatic OC. I've yet to try a Gem full lather catcher or a Kampfe.
I like my 1912 a lot. Mine appears to be the travel razor. Don't know how much difference that makes. I'm very fond of my all brass Junior, too. Just looks like a brass 1912, to me.
The Micromatic is a great shaver. Gotta be more careful with it than the 1912/Junior.
Gotta Gem Pushbutton too. Looks like a simplified MM, though I could be wrong. Haven't gotten the hang of that one yet.

Yes, I think the Gem 1912 could be the GOAT.
I know that the 1912 is highly regarded as probably the greatest se razor ever made but could this little slice of heaven be considered the greatest razor of all time?:jump: I'll leave you all with that to discuss.

I prefer the earlier (1900/1901 pat. date) Lather Catchers -- mostly because they are lighter. Others may have the exact opposite preference. Many prefer heavier razors.

But the clincher is they just look cooler! Kinda like Jules Verne might have used one, given the chance. Since He died in 1905 he might have had that chance. Pictures show he wasn't much for shaving though.

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Used a 1914 Ever Ready today for the first time (thanks Tom!). While shaving it SEEMED to be a bit less aggressive than my 1912 Damaskeene, but when I finished, the shave was every bit as good as the 1912. Although it did seem to be a bit easier to J hook under the jaw line with the 1914.

And then there's the 1901 Ever Ready Lather Catcher that is superb. Of the few SEs that I've tried these three are so close that they might just tie.

Then closely following, for me, would be the ER 1924 and the Gem Micromatic OC. I've yet to try a Gem full lather catcher or a Kampfe.

You're welcome. I agree, the 1914's are very good shavers, and cool looking to boot!


Self Ignored by Vista
I prefer the earlier (1900/1901 pat. date) Lather Catchers -- mostly because they are lighter. Others may have the exact opposite preference. Many prefer heavier razors.

But the clincher is they just look cooler! Kinda like Jules Verne might have used one, given the chance. Since He died in 1905 he might have had that chance. Pictures show he wasn't much for shaving though.

I concur. I do believe that my 1901 Pat. Ever Ready LC ekes out as my favorite...simply due to the "cool" factor. :thumbup:

After that it's a tough choice between the 1912 and the 1914.
I love the 1912 Gem that I got from my grandfather. Of course there is the sentimental value, but I think it just shaves great.
Of course, this is all a matter of personal opinion, but my GEM 1912, with one of the recent group buy SE blades, has given me some of the best most irritation free shaves I have ever enjoyed - no matter what soap or cream I used to lather up with.

I've even gotten wonderful results from Lucky Tiger Molle when time was short!

Never have used either a Lather-Catcher or a 1914, but hope to someday.

Still, this razor "sings". I can hear the whiskers being sliced! With the 1912 I have the feeling that I am standing on the verge of crossing the line over into straight razors.

It's that good!


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I do love my Gem! It gives consistent close shaves. The sound of whiskers being chopped off is a plus. :thumbup1:

I received a Micromatic and will be trying it for the first time this weekend. :001_smile
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