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The First Shave Soap that made you say WOW! The second soap, the second WOW!

When, I first started DE shaving my kit was very very basic with VHD Deluxe being the soap I used. It was not until I decided to venture out a little more and explore some other soaps that I had my first WOW moment. Having just used VHD Deluxe, I finally placed an order for 3 shave sticks which were Arko, Palmolive, and Speick. Going from VHD Deluxe to one of these sticks it was pretty easy to get that WOW moment. Palmolive shave stick gets the honor of being that WOW moment for me. Since then I have tried many more (WOW moment is the root cause of Accumulation Disorder) and the second WOW moment was QCS Vostok as that opened the door for me in regards to the small Artisan Soap makers. There are many great soaps and this thread is not about these soaps being the best. Its more about those soaps and how they changed my shaving experience and my direction with other shave soaps and creams. Palmolive opened my eyes to the greatness of Tallow and the simplicity of the Shave Stick. QCS opened my eyes to the greatness of the Artisan Soap maker. I would be interested to hear others WOW moments. I will say that RazoRock XXX was my first Fragrance (Scent) moment that changed my attitude about the importance of Fragrance. Until then, the fragrance of a shave soap or cream was not that important to me, but just a bonus if it was a fragrance I liked.
My first "Wow" was a false alarm. It was Pen's Blenheim Bouquet soap. I was immediately seduced by its amazing scent, but it turned out not to be a great performer (IMHO).

My first legitimate "Wow" was Martin de Candre, followed a week later by "Wow" #2; Acqua Di Parma. Two great-performing soaps with great scents that are unlike any other soaps I have used.
I have Martin De Candre as one of my Bucket list soaps to try before I am to old to shave myself. It will be one of those soaps that I will say damn the shipping cost , damn the expense I want to try it because I want to try it and that is all the excuse I will use. Who knows that may give me my third WOW moment.
My first WOW was Mama Bear Lime Ice. I had used Proraso, RSC, Nivea, Florena, and even some canned foams and gels in darker days, but the Lime Ice was the first time I was completely taken aback. Between the eye opening lime and menthol aroma from the first swirl of the brush, to the chill when I lathered it on my face, I was in heaven. It was a great way to start a Spring day.
Razorock XXX big WOW explodes into lather, super slick, great scent and now discontinued cause ADP exists

Razorock King Louis WOW Open the cover and the scent is WOW - great performer almost as good as XXX

Strop Shoppe special WOW Great clean soap scent, good performer
edition barbershoppe
with tallow

Side note I had a bad WOW or not for me WOW with the Poraso PRE-shave cream. The beyond strong menthol scent just about knocked me over.
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First was also Tabac.

The second was probably Mike's Lime. A solid performer with an eye opening scent of lime that leaves a nice citrus tingle with a hot or cool lather. Its a little touchy (like most of Mike's soaps) when it comes to getting the lather right but once you nail it, totally worth it.
I suppose my first was Tabac, simply because it was them first soap I tried. I didn't particularly care for the smell, but it's performance was amazing compared to what I had previously tried. The next was D.R. Harris Arlington, which left Tabac far behind in the dust in every way. After that was Martin de Candre unscented, which has yet to be eclipsed in my personal opinion.
My first WOW was Mama Bear Lime Ice. I had used Proraso, RSC, Nivea, Florena, and even some canned foams and gels in darker days, but the Lime Ice was the first time I was completely taken aback. Between the eye opening lime and menthol aroma from the first swirl of the brush, to the chill when I lathered it on my face, I was in heaven. It was a great way to start a Spring day.

Sounds fantastic! this will be the next one I'll purchase.
First Wow was a sample of Wild Lavender from Mystic Waters amazing scent and amazing post shave feel. Second was a PIF sample of Rosé Otto croap from Queen Charlotte Soaps. I don't think the blade touched my face with that thick lovely scented croap. No irritation after my first neck XTG pass ever!

I love Artisan Soaps! Will probably wow Mike's when I try it!
MB Phoenix Rising. It works great and I realized I like a nice scent.
VDH Deluxe in that it works well, readily available, and inexpensive.
My first WOW was the one-two punch of Mystic Waters and Mike's.

My second WOW was QCS.

I only use unscented soaps, so it takes great performance to really WOW me. These delivered in spades.

First WOW was the lather I got from Arko. Blew away the Wilkinson sword and VDH I had been using.
Second WOW was the scent of Mystic Waters Bay Rum followed by the way my face felt after a shave with it.


Until recently, I've only used creams. My first wow was with Mikes Natural Soaps....awesome! I haven't picked out my next soap yet, but it will be from an artisan shop.
First WOW was MWF, once I got the lathering down. The second was MdC. I am waiting on some MdC now. It is IMHO the best soap I have tried.
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