I was surfing I am boreds website and came across this http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/12652
What do you all think about this?
What do you all think about this?
I'm certainly no fan of the Obamas, and I don't have much respect for ANYONE in Washington, but to be fair;
A look at some first ladies and their staff sizes:
Laura Bush: Between 24 and 26 by end of President George W. Bush's term in 2009, according to Anita McBride, Mrs. Bush's chief of staff.
Lady Bird Johnson, whose signature issue was beautifying roadways, had a staff of 30, said Stacy A. Cordery, a history professor at Montmouth College in Illinois who studies first ladies.
Betty Ford had almost the same number.
Jacqueline Kennedy, who made renovating the White House her cause, had about 40 people on staff, Cordery said.
This is not to say that I think the excesses of paid staff are ok because everyone did it, I'm just saying that it is excesses that they are ALL guilty of.
Go easy with the context. That doesn't make for interesting blog posts at all
Just another case of the huge waste of money in Washington. But then what do you expect? Remember these people don't live like the rest of us. The people of this country have no one to blame but themselves. We're then ones who send this cast of idiots there to represent us.
Also, I'm sure that some of the wives/husbands of heads of state in other nations have staffs just as big and maybe bigger.
It's terrible that I'm not articulate.I did not mean to say she does nothing.What I mean is we did not elect her or for that matter any first lady.We elected the person running for president to do for this country, not there spouse.If the first ladies what to do speaking egagements and projects of various kinds, then do it on there own dime or the orginization she is helpings funding.Which begs the question do the first kids get a staff of their own and if not why.I'm not picking on Michelle.I have never been interested in any of the president wives.I just happened across this and said to myself" w.t.h"
Just goes to show politicians of any stripe abuse of our money. Another argument for a (very) limited government and low taxes.
"About half", what Calvin Coolidge said when asked how many persons worked in DC.
Professor C., u ain't bng P. C. but I think you are correct.
Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith seems to be the best book written on how to grow an economy and the role of government in doing the same.
This is an excellent thread. Ever wonder if both political parties are laughing at us for thinking there is any difference between them?
And, come November, when we go to the polls, we need to remember who the rascals are! It's been a lot of years since I've voted for an incumbent at the national level.
And, come November, when we go to the polls, we need to remember who the rascals are! It's been a lot of years since I've voted for an incumbent at the national level.
... we did not elect her or for that matter any first lady.We elected the person running for president to do for this country, not there spouse.If the first ladies what to do speaking egagements and projects of various kinds, then do it on there own dime or the orginization she is helpings funding. ...
I was surfing I am boreds website and came across this http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/12652
What do you all think about this?