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The Feather unsheathed, finally

I don't expect this will interest anybody other than me, but I feel like I hit a new shaving milestone tonight and wanted to share with somebody who would not look at me funny. I doubt any of my friends would appreciate the significance, and if anyone could it would be my B & B brothers. When I purchased my own starter set of blades to try of course I included Feathers. However, until tonight I heeded everyone's warnings about the Ninja/Samurai-sharpness of these blades, patiently awaiting the day when I felt like I had my technique, lathering, and beard prep down well enough to give them a try. Also, I had verified up to this point that my face prefers a sharper blade having gradually done test shaves with different blades of increasing sharpness. With a good beard prep and lather whipped up, I decided tonight was the night to find out what all the fuss is about with Feathers. I'm proud to say I made it through with just two tiny little weepers that sealed themselves up almost immediately. No withdrawals from the blood bank needed. I take this as an indication that my technique is developing OK. I won't make any grand proclamations just yet, after all it's just one shave. But all the advice provided by the B&B'rs was spot on - super sharp blades, use no pressure whatsoever, be patient and careful.

Now you are all saying, "Well spit it out already, was it a BBS?" Well I'll tell you this, it was a great PBS. For those amateurs among you, that's "porcupine butt smooth". On second thought, maybe it was a DBS (damn bad shave, also donkey's butt smooth)? OK, I jest. I'll just say that it was a nice experience and a pretty good result. I won't make any final judgements until at least going three rounds with the Japanese legend. But I offer these new classifications because all I see are DFS and BBS. Surely we need some terms to classify the bad shaves too.
Congratulations! You'll find the second and the third shaves with Feather (just like with any other blade) even more pleasant. As for BBS, DFS, etc. it's rather how you feel after shave what counts. Who needs a BBS if his face is on fire for the rest of the day?
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I think the mystique of Feathers has been a touch* overdone. They were the first I used from my first DE shave because they were the only ones available locally. Use them carefully like you should any DE blade and you'll be fine!

*ridiculously overdone on occasion!
after shaving half dozen times with cheapo *** walgreens blades(first d/e shaves ever) i tried a feather.

i was amazed. better than a mach 3 by far.

yes i still get a few spots/nicks on my neck, but no bad rashes or irritation like the cheapos.
The Feather is my favorite blade. Once my technique reached a certain level I stopped cutting myself, and I love the closeness of the shave.
I jumped into Feathers to early and discovered a new classification as well. The Chum Bucket Shave. If I would have been on the Orca with my face in that condition Jaws would have jumped onto the damn boat much earlier.
I had a similar experience too. Had a pack of Feathers in my blade sample pack and I tried them 6 months ago. They were really sharp and I got a fair bit of weepers so I put away the Feathers. Recently, I ran out of my regular blades (Russian Gillettes) and felt confident enough to try the Feathers that I had put away earlier. Now Feathers give me the best shave and I ended up placing my first 100 blade order for Feathers couple of days ago:001_cool:
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