I don't expect this will interest anybody other than me, but I feel like I hit a new shaving milestone tonight and wanted to share with somebody who would not look at me funny. I doubt any of my friends would appreciate the significance, and if anyone could it would be my B & B brothers. When I purchased my own starter set of blades to try of course I included Feathers. However, until tonight I heeded everyone's warnings about the Ninja/Samurai-sharpness of these blades, patiently awaiting the day when I felt like I had my technique, lathering, and beard prep down well enough to give them a try. Also, I had verified up to this point that my face prefers a sharper blade having gradually done test shaves with different blades of increasing sharpness. With a good beard prep and lather whipped up, I decided tonight was the night to find out what all the fuss is about with Feathers. I'm proud to say I made it through with just two tiny little weepers that sealed themselves up almost immediately. No withdrawals from the blood bank needed. I take this as an indication that my technique is developing OK. I won't make any grand proclamations just yet, after all it's just one shave. But all the advice provided by the B&B'rs was spot on - super sharp blades, use no pressure whatsoever, be patient and careful.
Now you are all saying, "Well spit it out already, was it a BBS?" Well I'll tell you this, it was a great PBS. For those amateurs among you, that's "porcupine butt smooth". On second thought, maybe it was a DBS (damn bad shave, also donkey's butt smooth)? OK, I jest. I'll just say that it was a nice experience and a pretty good result. I won't make any final judgements until at least going three rounds with the Japanese legend. But I offer these new classifications because all I see are DFS and BBS. Surely we need some terms to classify the bad shaves too.
Now you are all saying, "Well spit it out already, was it a BBS?" Well I'll tell you this, it was a great PBS. For those amateurs among you, that's "porcupine butt smooth". On second thought, maybe it was a DBS (damn bad shave, also donkey's butt smooth)? OK, I jest. I'll just say that it was a nice experience and a pretty good result. I won't make any final judgements until at least going three rounds with the Japanese legend. But I offer these new classifications because all I see are DFS and BBS. Surely we need some terms to classify the bad shaves too.